Friday, July 29, 2005

Nine Year Olds Rock!!

Okay, if you don't have a 9 year old, you need to go out and get one. Of course, if you're a registered sex offender, this probably isn't a good idea. However, if you are a normal person, borrow one from a friend, because if you don't have your own, man are you missing out. Nin year olds are the funniest people on the planet!

Now, don't get jealous, but my 9 year old is funnier than most.

Okay, well, first of all, 9 year olds all have this interesting thing going on in their mouths. They're losing baby teeth and getting adult teeth. Is this not funny ^%$& ?? Big teeth, pushing little teeth out of the way, little teeth being stubborn, this all makes for one huge mangled mess! Now, usually, I'm anti-braces, unless your mouth looks like a trainwreck, I had a cousin with a mouth like this, but I am really struggling with this "let's wait and see thing".

I'm thinking how your 9 year old appears physically is probably a foreshadowing of those awkward teenage years to come. The thought process behind this is a 9 year old is all arms and legs. Mine is constantly eating, and he is gaining altitude at an alarming rate. Where is he putting all that food? And don't EVEN get me started on foot size! I can wear my son's shoes with little discomfort, right now he thinks this is cool, in a few years, he may see this as power! Now, sort of off topic, this foot thing does have it's advantages as I can see my footwear possibilities doubling...Evil laughter...

My husband insisted on getting the boys haircuts before he left. They got crew cuts. My 9 year olds hair does not really work well with crew cuts, they are an excerise of futility. The top sticks up, the sides stickout, and the back sticks out. No amount of gel, mousse, or hairspray helps.

My 9 year old wears glasses. My husband wanted to buy him yucky plastic frames, because we were getting them fixed at WallyWorld twice a month and/or 2 pair a year. I stood my ground and he got metal frames. Let's face it this kid has enough to deal with, does he really need the stigma from plastic frames? If it's a matter of $$$, I forfeit my top of the line name brand sanitary products, I will buy store brand! His glasses never seem to fit right on his face either, no matter how much I twist or bend. They are always sitting on the edge of his nose, too.

Now, something that my 9 year has to deal with, that yours probably does not, is that he is visually impaired. He has a neurological thing going on that effects his eye sight. He can see just enough to be dangerous. He uses a cane, when I twist his arm, but is looking forward to getting a service dog at 16. This gets even more interesting, because he has even proposed that his brother drive him and his dog around in mom's hot rod to hang out. Ok, whatever...

My 9 year old wants to go to Jedi Camp. My 9 year old wants to be an inventor. My 9 year old is so infatuated with Star Wars, it makes my husband puff up like a peacock, and makes me want to hurl.

We were in the car yesterday, listening to the radio, we heard about a mother leaving her 4 year old on the side of the freeway. My nine year old with his scary teeth looks at me and says,"If you ever did that, I would be sooo MAD." The tone of his voice strikes me to the core, as if he knew how many times I was seriously tempted.

My 9 year old has taken it upon himself to be my personal assistant. "Mommy, yesterday you said you would buy milk." "Mommy, you said you'd buy milk today." "Mommy, you lied, you did not buy milk today." "Mommy, why didn't you buy milk today?" "Mommy, yesterday you were going to buy milk." He is easily fixated on superficial stuff, because it helps him to have structure, and I really screw him up when I forget or neglect to do stuff.

Finally, 9 year olds are not quite 'Tweens, but getting there, so they are still in that special place I like to call ignorcence (Ignorant Innocence). They still watch cartoons, but are interested in the news. They are still able to say what they feel with out sounding like a complete wise ass. They can still repeat verbatim what you specifically asked them not to repeat, as they get older they tend to add their own spin. They feel comfortable with or without their parents. They still like their parents and other adults.

Well, I need to mention sadly 9 years olds are only so for a year, so you have to enjoy them while you can. Luckily for me, I'll have another one in two years. And one more thing, I love my nine year to bits and peices, so get your own.

Now, don't comment on this post and tell me what a bad mother I am poking fun at my son's disabilities, this is how I get through my life, with humor. And, just so you know, R has taught me more about myself in 9 years than I could have learned in an entire lifetime. We have spent alot of time in hospitals, doctor's offices, and enroute to these places, so we get each other and I would rather have a chat with him than alot of adults.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I can not get my brain around this one...

Girl, 2, Flies Out of SUV Into River
Thursday, July 28, 2005
GARY, Ind. — Divers stopped their search of a river Thursday without finding any signs of a 2-year-old girl who flew through an SUV's window and plunged at least 40 feet from a highway bridge into the water. Authorities said she was presumed dead.

Divers spent several hours in the Grand Calumet River (search) looking for Jatima Greene. Water in the heavily industrialized area was coated with moss, algae and debris.

Ron Kurth, a spokesman for Lake County (search) water rescue team, said rescuers would continue searching for the toddler's body by boat and helicopter.

"You live here until you get some type of closure for this family," he said.

People in the SUV said the girl was wearing a seat belt, but investigators found no child seats in the vehicle.

Jacqueline Greene, sobbing, was restrained by a friend from descending the river bank to search the water herself. According to police on the scene, the child apparently had not been fastened into protective restraints. "Divers Seek Child Who Fell Out Window, Into River" Associated Press Thursday, July 28, 2005

The crash occurred as family members were returning to Gary from a birthday party in Chicago, the girl's aunt said.

Police were investigating reports that the SUV went out of control after it was struck from behind by a tractor-trailer.

Another driver, Keisha Bethley, said she saw the SUV strike a retaining wall on a ramp over the river and then roll over.

Jatima flew out the window, she said. Bethley said she immediately dialed 911 on her cellular phone, but the dispatcher accused her of placing a phony emergency call.

"She kept saying 'Quit playing around,"' Bethley said. "I said, 'I'm not playing, the baby is in the water."'

A truck driver jumped in to try and reach the toddler, Fire Chief Mark Everett said. "He said he saw her about 10 feet away, but he just couldn't get to her," Everett said.

Jatima's sobbing mother, Jacqueline Greene, was restrained by a friend from descending the river bank to search the water herself.

Rescuers searched the waterway for more than two hours Wednesday night under helicopter searchlights and returned after daybreak Thursday. The girl's father, Timothy Mack, criticized authorities for calling off the search overnight.

"I couldn't believe it," he said. "What if it was their child?"

On Thursday, family members stood hand-in-hand in a prayer circle on train tracks nearby while the search continued. Authorities said there was little chance Jatima would be found alive.

"It seems unreal," Timothy Mack said. "I don't believe my little girl is dead."


I heard on the radio this afternoon about a mom that left a 4 year old on the side of the freeway? And they think I'm crazy??

Is it Friday yet?

As if it matters...

I ran down to Gig Harbor today to drop off some Tupperware catalogs. It was quite a drive, but I welcomed the change of scene, for real, I go no where except food shopping and my friend Michele's house. I should go to church, but I don't, this has to do with the rolling my ass out of bed at 11AM, and having to wrestle with "The Others".

We swung by the airport for a few minutes and watched a few airplanes take off and land. I like to check out what is going on there every now and again, because the airport has been the best muse ever! I mean check it out, experiences I have witnessed, endured, or heard about: drug use, sexual harassment, and huge egos...Shit, I could write an X-rated Wings. The owners and a few mechanics would hang around after hours until 7 or 8 (I know 'cause I was still working) and drink beer and shoot the shit. I was like, don't you have somewhere to be? I was occassionally offered a beer, but usually turned it down, just because it left alot of room for error, if you get my meaning.

Anyway, I have a love affair with all thing aeronautical, so it was nice to visit. Whn P gets back with "my" laptop, I'll probably hang out there in the shadows of the hangars, amongst the smell of deisel and jet fuel and burning rubber on tarmac and write my memoirs.

James, you are just awesome at sharing your feelings, you are a terrific writer. This comment really does not belong here ( I originally left a comment for him), but keep the faith when it comes to your wife, really. I don't know your situation, but it couldn't be worse than mine.

I remarried my x-husband P in June, shortly before he was deployed to Bahrain.We had been married for almost 10 years when a "shitmate" (he's coast guard) decided to console him after my daughter's open heart surgery they were on their way back from Antartica. Somewhere during this I had a complete breakdown, and distanced myself from everyone and everything that I had once held dear. We were divorced, because although P did everything right, I could not bear to have this other person even in the shadow of our lives.

Anyway, not really emotionally up to all this spewing, so basically, P never waived during our divorce, I actually had my own place for a while, but for some reason I was always at home anyway. I moved back in, and things weren't perfect, they never were afterall, we're all only human. P just let me throw my temper tantrum. I don't know how he tolerated me, I was mean and selfish, etc...

I have since come to this conclusion, P was and is my best friend. We'll have a ton of work to do when he gets back, acclaimating back to family life and such, but I am very hopeful and I wish I could have those years back where I was nothing but angry. What a waste.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Me and the Good Twin

This is a sample of a run of the mill chat session between me and my friend, Amy. We chat like this almost EVERYDAY. We are amazed with how our chats are all over the place, and the healthy helping of sarcasm is pleasing, too. I am in the Northwest and she is in the Southeast. We met in California, but both are from the Northeast. Our kids were all born within months of each other. We have know each other over ten years. She is the Good Twin, but she'll never admit it.

little_lost_sailor: OMG, it is 83 degrees inside the house!?!?
Amy : turn on the ac
little_lost_sailor: have you read my blog yet?
little_lost_sailor: funny stuff today
little_lost_sailor: 83 freakin' degrees, yikes! I passed out on the couch from 3-5, it was wonderful
Amy : do you have AC?
little_lost_sailor: no, just a window fan and a box fan
Amy : ewwwwww that sucks we would die here with out AC 105 degrees today
Amy : i guess it doesn't get thet hot in WA, or is it usually cool?
little_lost_sailor: Ughh, Fox news used a laster thermometer somewhere to see how much heat was reflected of of stuff, asphalt registered 133, and skin reflected 107
Amy : yikes
Amy : well the rest of my day went right down the shi***er i should just quite while i'm ahead. I ruined my window and i have to go get mineral spirits to remove it so i can start over and another can of paint
Amy : sorry the letters got to bigl
little_lost_sailor: oh, sorry to hear that
Amy : i was just wanting to finish it and it was getting dark and that was my mistake for not waiting, but it was supposed to rain so i said what the hell and now i'm paying for it
Amy : so what were you saying about something funny happening today
little_lost_sailor: my whole day was weird, it ran pretty smoothly for a change!!
Amy : wow that is a bonus
Amy : heres something funny that happened while i was at Home Deot
little_lost_sailor: k
Amy : I got carded for spray paint
little_lost_sailor: and...that's to prevent huffing
Amy : then she asked for ID i show her my Mil ID so id do then she wants to see my drivers license
little_lost_sailor: hee hee they do that to me too
Amy : i was thinking vandelism hadn't thought of that, might have been suspicious cause i bought garbage bags too.......hmmm
Amy : now i'm really laughing at this
Amy : good thing i was awake when i went she might have thought i sniffed before i went in LOL Amy : i'm going to go take a shower the bug spray is getting to me
little_lost_sailor: buy tupperware
little_lost_sailor: subliminal message
Amy : lol
Amy : Be back in a few peeeking
little_lost_sailor: Amy : ahhhhhhhhh nothig like a shower
Amy : i know what i keep forgetting to mention to you... we still have your kitchen table and Bob refinished it like last year i think
little_lost_sailor: cool, will it be an heirloom
Amy : perhaps it has become my favorite table, he wanted to get a bigger one but i said no
little_lost_sailor: it was a cute table
Amy : i even bought chairs that were matching just not the exact same ones you had
little_lost_sailor: i'm gonna cut the tops off of them and turn them into coffee tables
Amy : you lost me turn what into coffee tables
little_lost_sailor: the chairs
Amy : no way how i thought those fell apart?l
little_lost_sailor: they mostly did, but it was the rungs falling out of the back
Amy : so how will you make them a table?
little_lost_sailor: i don't know yet, read about it in woman's day
Amy : no way sounds neat
little_lost_sailor: think I might wait up for P, I haven't heard from him in a while
Amy : i was wondering how he was doing
little_lost_sailor: he told me I could text message him, but he never told me how
Amy : ahh
little_lost_sailor: I need a sandwich
little_lost_sailor: k, stuffing face

Amy : what kind
little_lost_sailor: ham n cheese
Amy : mmmmmmmmm
Amy : i think i'm going to have generic lucky charms
little_lost_sailor: with express salad greens in the middle
Amy : ohh
little_lost_sailor: mayo n mustard
Amy : mmmmmm
little_lost_sailor: it's finally getting cool, i think i will clean the kitchen
Amy : woohoo you go
little_lost_sailor: i am sick of hearing my sneakers peel off the sticky floor
Amy : ewwwww, no dog hair and crumbs are just as bad
Amy : do you have a pool?
little_lost_sailor: nope
little_lost_sailor: hey, i found a black light, when I was moving stuff around today

Amy : no way? cool
little_lost_sailor: yeah, let me see if it works, I changed the batteries earlier, but it was still too light outside Brb
Amy : cool
little_lost_sailor: ok, so what exactly is supposed to happen, because nopthing did
Amy : where you suspect an accident shine the light over it the area should be a darker purple (turn the lights out)
little_lost_sailor: uhh, nope, no difference
Amy : hmm let me do some research please hold...
Amy : Sounds easy enough right. Just look for the stain. The problem is, pet odors don't always leave a visible stain. One way to find the spots, is to get down on your hands and knees and actually smell your carpet for the offending odor. If you'd rather not do that, there is a better way. Urine contains salts which will become visible under black lights. So go get a cheap black light, they are usually around 10 dollars. Turn off all the lights in a room and close the curtains, the darker the better. Turn on the black light and point it at the carpet. The stains will shine in the black light when you pass over them.
little_lost_sailor: well, i'll try again later, i'm hawking tupperware on the other line
Amy : hmmmm one article said you may have to pull the carpet back because the stain may not be in the carpet after it was attempted to be cleaned it may now be in the carpet pad and floor under neath
little_lost_sailor: joy, how do I do that?
little_lost_sailor: nevermind, do not answer that or I will be tempted to do it

Amy : its easy but i won't give any other instructions
Amy : i was about to
little_lost_sailor: well, pulling it up may be easy, but what do you do once it's up and how do you get it back down
Amy : is it tacked down?
little_lost_sailor: probably
little_lost_sailor: FX has a new show coming on, should I watch it-->Over There about the war
Amy : well here what i did i had to hide the cable/sattelite cord under the carpet cause the thing went around the room, so i pulled up the carpet did what i needed to do and them putting it back was just a matter of wiggleling it onto the tacks so it "grabs"and tapping it under w/a flathead screwdriver(at the base board)good as new
little_lost_sailor: did I ever tell you about the reoccuring dream I have had about pulling up my yucky carpet?
Amy : them should be then...sorry
Amy : ummm no... do tell
little_lost_sailor: was a reoccurring dream about pulling up all the yucky carpet in my house
Amy : is that all?? umm how bad could it be
little_lost_sailor: I would wake up VERY tired
Amy : have you considered a carpet cleaning service?
Amy : when they have those specials its not too bad
little_lost_sailor: naw, it's just shot
Amy : oh like a trip to Home Depot time to buy new carpet time ohhhhhh yaaa thats it
little_lost_sailor: yeap
Amy : i'm reading your blog
Amy : i like the jedi camp
little_lost_sailor: i don't know if that's a you'd have to be there moment, but it was hysterical

little_lost_sailor: The Dukes of Hazzard looks like it will be a total let down!
Amy : too funny
Amy : yup i heard it was from an interview the guy said it was nothing like the tv show and NOT for kids
little_lost_sailor: it seems dumbed down (if that is possible) and just plain trashy
Amy : thats it in a nut shell
Amy : wow your day is scaring me it sounds like my house

little_lost_sailor: really, I'll list you as a contributor, the good twin
Amy : the box of ceral a day cinched it and rolling out of bed at 11 sounds to familiar
little_lost_sailor: sounds like the BSA is cursed

Amy : i am lucky too that they pretty much make there own breakfast, get dressed and play legos till i am up
Amy : OMG i know how weird is that did you read how they died (the leaders)
little_lost_sailor: I'm gonna blog very soon about the scorge they call legos
Amy : lol
Amy : are legos like gold in your house?
little_lost_sailor: to the "Others"
little_lost_sailor: not to me, I wanna suck them all up with a shop vac
Amy : they drive me up the wall if i step on one more of those things
little_lost_sailor: Paul bought like a ton on ebay, and has been adding to the collection ever since

Amy : i know we have tons also
little_lost_sailor: we have three rubbermaid containers full, I do not know what size they are, but they are big
Amy : i have them sorted in those drawered carts plus they have extra totes
little_lost_sailor: oh, yeah, none of the organization crap here! they're just all tossed in bins or stored on the floor
little_lost_sailor: brb
Amy : k
little_lost_sailor: back
Amy : k


It is 83 degrees inside my house at 5:30PM.....Ughhh...

And if you have the time to read my blog, could you comment, even if it is to call me a putz, please. I would really like to know what people think. Thank you.

Update on Super Mommy

Just a quick update, for those care.

I am sooo tired. And for good reason, because after finally serving up my pancake breakfast, I:
1. took a shower
2. started to organize clothes I folded during a folding marathon yesterday
3. rallyed the troups to at least pick up large debris so I could vacuum
4. actually vacummed entire house

So, now I am totally ready for a nap...

Oh, real quick, this is hilarious, and if you don't enjoy it, then I suggest you don't breed.

My oldest is sleeping on the couch, but I hear him stirring, so I bop him on the head with a pillow. He groans at me, and then opens his eyes and looks at me very intensely.

"Mommy," he said. "I had the MOST amazing dream. Instead of Camp Sparky, I went to Jedi Camp." My oldest BTW can see just enough to be dangerous and Camp Sparky is sponsored by the ARC (I forget what that stands for) and is for kids with special needs.

I'll update a bit more later my oldest is demanding my attention.

Pre-flight check

Reposting this for your reviewing pleasure:

Super Mommy

Okay, here's the deal in a nut shell...I woke up at like 4:30 this morning. I used the bathroom and then tossed and turned until 6AM. Finally, I decided that I'd just get up and make pancakes. This was a very good idea, because the children would be very upset with me about not having went out and bought milk yesterday. So, Pancakes would be a lovely distraction as long as they weren't so dry they required milk to be washed down. I am a good cook, when I apply myself (as with everything else in my life), so this was not an issue.

Well, it figures, that I make them a nice pancake breakfast, and everyone sleeps in. It is a very rare occasion my daughter (if she doesn't start out in my bed) doesn't end up in my bed, with her feet in my gut by 3AM. She slept the whole night in her own bed last night...Hmmm, maybe I should stop complaining, but no...She usually wakes up my oldest boy on her way to my room, as he is sleeping on the couch while I renovate his brothers room. My youngest boy isn't sleeping on the couch, not because he can't be trusted, but well, let's not tempt fate.

Anyhow, even the dog barking at the paperboy didn't wake anyone, very peculiar.

The big deal is...I am and have been totally depressed for weeks. I have been spending my mornings in bed. I'll roll out around 11AM or so, take a shower, mess around on the computer, then immerse myself in FOX News until 5PM, and then make dinner. After dinner, I demand baths and cleaning up, and then it's bedtime in no time at all.

My daughter has been having bigger (she always had an issue) with bedtime, and sometimes does not got to bed until midnight. I really try to get her to sleep in her own bed, but with my dh gone I really need to pick my battles carefully, so I cave. YES, I CAVE!!!! All the time...

Okay, so back to this morning, I'm up at the butt crack of dawn, playing good mommy. The kids usually prepare their own breakfast, they go through half a box of cereal or a bag of frozen waffles a day, depending on whether we have milk or not. My daughter digs waffles and will eat them all day long, and actually has on days I don't drag my ass out of bed until 1 or 2PM.

So, it's when I have relatively good days like today (so far), when I really see what a bad parent I am. But am I really? My children are well fed, they eat more than cereal, waffles, and the occasional pancake breakfast. My children for the most part are clean, except when my daughter writes on herself with marker, or the maple syrup on her leg dries before I can get to it. I must admit I am very lucky my children aren't interested in matches, or I would not have the luxury of slowly preparing to face my day like I have now.

Believe me, I do know how lucky I am. And, I can only hope I don't crash and burn early this afternoon, because I would really like to be just a little bit manic for a few weeks than very depressed. It would be a nice change.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Song from Over There

Then the rainstorm came, over me
And I felt my spirit break
I had lost all of my, belief you see
And realize my mistake
But time through a prayer, to me
And all around me, became still
I need love, loves divine
Please forgive me now I see that I’ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Through the rainstorm came, sanctuary
And I felt my spirit fly
I had felt, all of my, reality
I realize what it takes
Cause I need love, love’s divine
Please forgive me now I see that I’ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I, don’t bend [don’t bend], don’t break [don’t break]
Show me how to live a promise me you won’t forsake
Cause love can help me know my name
Well, I try to say there’s nothing wrong
But inside, I felt it lying all along
But the message here was plain to see
Believe in me
Cause I need love, love’s divine
Please forgive me now I see that I’ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I, don’t bend [don’t bend], don’t break [don’t break]
Show me how to live a promise me you won’t forsake
Cause love can help me know my name
Love can help me know my name.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Another song for my Bro's band

Another few inches in line
A little bit closer to the source
The glow of her voice overwhelms me
And I know the sun'll shine afterall.

How can I help you, she asks
as clear and sincere as the rain
How can you help me, I mumble
Scanning the menu board

You could tell me I'm not my parents
That I was really born to millionaires
They're waiting for me 'round the corner
The bitch with the dyed blonde hair

And if you can't help me with that, I'll just have a coke
Sorry about all the change, the ATM was broke,
It ate my card, or some other excuse
But if you're the helpful type

You could tell me that music is a real job
And one day I'll be a millionaire
All my fans are waiting outside
And one day that life will be fair.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The All American Rejects

This may be the last thing that I write for long
Can you hear me smiling when I sing this song, for you, and only you
As I leave will you be someone to say good-bye?
As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye?
My foot is out the door, and you can't stop me now
You wanted the best, it wasn't me
Will you give it back, and I'll take the lead
When there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive
Is this what you want
Is this what you need
How you end up let me know.
As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope
That you will miss me when I'm gone
This is the last song
The hearts start breaking as the year is gone
The dream's beginning and the time rolls on
It seems so surreal, now I sing it.
Somehow I knew that it would be this way,
Somehow I knew that it would slowly fade.
Now I am gone, just try and stop me, now.
You wanted the best, but it wasn't me
Will you give it back, now i'll take the lead
When there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive
Is this what you want
Is this what you need
How you end up let me know.
As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope
That you will miss me when I'm gone
This is the last song
Will you need me now ?
You'll find a way somehow
You want it too
I want it too
As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope
That you will miss me when I'm gone
This is the last song
As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope
That you will miss me when I'm gone
This is the last song

Sometimes you just seem to stumble onto a song, that meddles just perfectly with your life AT that moment. No other moment could bring out the trueness of the song to preserve for later memories. I call these soundtrack sounds, because one day I will look back and have a daliance with a memory and there it will be.

More about this later...

Friday, July 22, 2005

Just something fun

You Should Learn French

C'est super! You appreciate the finer things in life... wine, art, cheese, love affairs.
You are definitely a Parisian at heart. You just need your tongue to catch up...

Friday's Feast

What kind of car do you drive? 2000 Mustang
If you could make an even trade for any other car, what would you want to drive? Either a '65 or '05 Mustang
Take your phone number and add each number together separately, what's the total? 24
When were you last outside, and what were you doing? waiting for my son to get off the bus from camp
Main Course-
What is your favorite restaurant, and what do you usually order there? Don't really have one.
Name 3 things in which you occasionally indulge. Homemade rice pudding, a fru fru martini, a bubble bath

Song for Bro's Band

Call your friends
Don't forget Jack, Jim, and Bud
Break out the ice
We' ll get stupid crazy tonight

Hide the keys
Bring out the lawn chairs
Toast to the stars
We'll get stupid crazy tonight

No one's home
It's just us and Jim
Let's pretend we're in love
And be stupid crazy tonight

No one's home
It's just you and me
I'm not pretending
To be stupid crazy tonight

Soldiers Keep

The two soldiers stood and regarded each other like they did every morning, each over their own campfire, for the last two hundred years. They nodded quickly over their coffee, not even commenting on the weather. They wouldn’t encounter each other again until the following morning.

Thomas O’Reilly wore a faded blue uniform with high cavalry boots. His side arm and a sword slung low on his hip. He wore his broad rim hat back from his face when engaged in observation, and often utilized it as an eyeshade for napping. He was older than he looked, but if asked, which he wasn’t, he would admit to thirty-five. Fighting a war aged Thomas quick and lightened his hair to blonde and set his green eyes deep. He beard was camouflaged against his suntanned face, really non-existent, but still haggard. His people originally from Ireland, but for generation settled in Boston, weren’t hairy.

His counterpart, Adam Demaree, really didn’t wear a uniform, his conflict really couldn’t afford it, as long as he wasn’t wearing a red coat, and he was as good as any good guy. He had carried a musket for several decades, but finally left it under a tree, tired of its weight. Adam was an easy on the eyes 25. His eyes were hazel and his light brown hair was tied back with a green ribbon at the back of his neck. He wore a straw tri-corn hat.

For these two everyday was same, except occasionally, very occasionally, one of the living would see one of them walking across the meadow, or napping under a tree. They would try to get their companions to see Thomas or Adam, but they never could, because the gifted were few and far between. The gifted, didn’t generally travel in packs, though people who thought they were gifted often did.

“So, who are you?” one of the living asked Adam one afternoon. This had been decades ago, the era was turbulent, and both Adam and Thomas had heard rumors of war over seas from the living in the whispers of their picnics. This creature was watching him as he dozed against a rock wall off the beaten path under the shade of a tree.

He was startled and jumped to his feet, pulling his tri-corn hat from his head, and bowing.

“Oh, please,” she said, coyly. “I didn’t know your type were in need of rest, or apt to fright.” She shook her head gently and her shortly cropped red hair grazed her jaw line. The redness of it seemed unnatural to Adam. “I am Rebecca Rhodes, of the Long Island Rhodes.” She held out her gloved hand gingerly. “I do know what you are, Sir. However, for my own selfish purposes and records for prosperity, I would genuinely like to know your name.”

“Adam Demaree, Miss,” he replied, taking her hand.

Rebecca Rhodes of the Long Island Rhodes, then without a care, pulled up the hem of her short loose fitting dress and pulled a palm-sized book from under her garter. Adam was drawn to her actions and felt his face redden.

“My dear, boy,” she laughed. “It is just a leg, do get a hold of yourself.” She placed the lead of her pencil to her tongue. “And where are you from Adam Demaree? And how did you come to make this place your eternal home?”

“I am from Charleston, South Carolina,” he said. “I came to join the Continental Army after the redcoats barricaded Charleston Harbor and my family was nearly starved.”

Just then, a male voice called from about 50 paces. Adam dove back behind the wall.

“I’m almost through,” she called back. She sat on the grass next to Adam. “Oh, silly! Jeremy can’t see you, he is too uptight.”

“Then, what does he think you are through with?” Adam asked.

“Oh, dear, I almost forgot, I did have some business. Would you mind terribly finding another place to nap?”

So that was that, Adam had an idea what that business was, and he didn’t want to think such a beautiful creature was so crude, but he had seen so many changes. For all her forthrightness, he was glad to remember what it was like to have a conversation with another person living or dead. Miss Rebecca Rhodes of the Long Island Rhodes left him lonely. He allowed himself to dream about something he hadn’t allowed himself to dream about in centuries, his wife and his daughter.

There had been others before Miss Rebecca. There was a woman in blue so dark, it was almost black, bandaging soldiers from another conflict that had been in this meadow. She hadn’t spoken to him, but he knew she saw him, he could see the sorrow in her eyes. He had lingered around the camp for a few days and learned she was Mrs. Johannes, and she was volunteering while looking for her son. He was also curious to see if others would show up. There had been so much death on both sides; Adam thought for sure he would have companions.

The whole not living experience mostly left Adam feeling like a misplaced page in a book. He knew he wasn’t right here, but either ahead a page or back a page wasn’t quite right either. This was what he was pondering one morning over his watery coffee when he saw another small fire across the meadow, decades after the last generation that had torn up this meadow and had cleaned up their mess.

* * * * *

Thomas had been in the habit of going through his routine in the thicker trees surrounding the meadow. He knew of the other soldier, the one in the Revolutionary War get up. He had watched him from a distance for years, but the solitude was getting to him lately. He had noticed from the trees right away that the living could see Adam, and some were coarse enough to bother him. Thomas had made it his mission to avoid this disturbance right away. He would make certain there were no demands in his afterlife as boring or lonely as it was, this was as it was meant to be. Thomas did start breaking his fast closer and closer to the other soldier every morning, what harm could that be after all.

Well, the government saw fit to crisscross their meadow with paved paths going down the hill to the beachfront and to Historic Yorktown. They renovated some of the buildings, built a hotel, rebuilt some stonewalls, and even put up a monument. The soldiers watched curiously, but didn’t discuss the possibilities. They were familiar with automobiles and watched how they changed; they grew quieter and faster, then curiously louder again.

One morning the meadow was covered in canvas tents. The soldiers waited from opposite ends of the meadow to see what was going on. Thomas immediately recognized costumes from his era, and Adam was saddened to not see him again for nearly a week after the tent city had packed up.

Thomas hadn’t managed to escape though. The second night of the invasion a young woman in a calico dress kept looking up from her pot of beans. Her gaze went deep into the woods, and her eyes met those of Thomas, sitting on fallen tree. She stirred her pot once or twice more, and then walked to him, checking over her shoulder cautiously. She was beside him so quickly; Thomas didn’t have time to react.

“Is this your first time?” she asked. Thomas looked at her not understanding. “Your first re-enactment.”

“Yes.” Thomas stammered. He was safe, he thought, she thinks I’m alive.

“It’ll get easier,” she said, reaching for his hand. “I’ll get easier with time. It’ll hurt less.”

Thomas grabbed his hand away and groaned. She was one of those.

“Ma’am-,” he said.

“Julia,” she interrupted.

“Ma’am, I don’t need your help, I don’t want your help. In fact, I have had most of my fun around these parts avoiding your type. In fact, I’ve done a damn good job, why that Tory though, he gets accosted ‘bout twice a month.”

“There’s another?” she said. “Another lost soul?”

“There’s been so much blood shed on this piece of earth, there’s probably tons more, but a man couldn’t know them all, could he?” He was starting to feel uncharacteristically comfortable with this girl.

“But another? From the revolution?” Julia said, nearly squealed. “Oh, tell me, what is he like?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Thomas replied. “I haven’t had the occasion to talk to him.”

“Oh,” she said. She didn’t try to hide the disappointment in her voice.

“How do you know it gets easier?” he said, hoping to change the tone of the conversation, and maybe get some useable information.

“My family has been a part of the anachronism community since I was little. We usually go to Gettysburg.”

“Anachrome?” Thomas asked.

“Recreating important events in history. We try to wear authentic clothing and use authentic grammar and slang, manners, you know?”

“Oh, so you relive the worst days in some peoples lives?” he said. His words came out crueler than he had expected.

“You could say that,” she replied, undeterred. “We pretend to live those lives, so they can be venerated like heroes.” Julia smiled, and reached for his hand again. “Anyhow, I have a pretty good repoire with a soldier in Gettysburg,
I’ve been talking to him since I was, well, about ten, when I noticed I could see things other people couldn’t.” She laughed to herself. “Now, that takes some getting used to.” She played with a brown curl that had escaped from underneath her cotton cap.

“And he says he’s used to it?”

“No, having the tent cities a couple of weekends out of the year is getting easier. In fact, I even got him to come out of the closet last year.”

“What do you mean ‘out of the closet’?”

“I mean realize he was dead, and no amounting of wishing would get him not dead.” She looked serious, getting her thoughts together for a moment. “On the last night we always have a big shindig, and I finally got him to come into the camp and listen to the music, and watch the dancing. He must have gotten drunk on the music and pretty girls, because I didn’t see him again. I usually at least get to wave good-bye as we pack up.”

“Alright then,” Thomas said. The conversation was headed in a melancholy direction again. “Thank you-“

“My beans!" Julia jumped from the log, and ran through the trees.

Thomas was not going to have himself be a part of any shindig, dead or not, so for the next few days he found himself walking along the beach front, but soon found himself too scandalized by the sunbathers. He eventually found himself sitting on the railing of the hotel restaurant looking across the water until he was sure the tent city was gone. He thought of people that were long gone, his people.

* * * * *

Finally, their routine was normal again and the soldiers soon found themselves smiling over their coffee, though still at their own little camp. Thomas could only imagine that Julia had found the other and had a nice chat with him. Thomas found himself stepping towards the revolutionary, and the revolutionary stepping towards him as well. Their hands slowly went out to each other, but before the grasped the others hand, something shook the earth. They looked each other in the eye, but with drew their hands, seeing this as a boundary they must be crossing. They had existed for two hundred years without meeting, so they each in their own way decided not to push their luck.

Within minutes, what they recognized as an ambulance came flying through the meadow down towards the shore. The ambulance was followed by a news van, they knew this from various coverage the meadow had gotten on Memorial Day and Independence Day. They had never seen this pair together, and grew very curious at their arrival, even if they had only moved through the meadow.

Thomas was the first to make his way down to the beach. The ambulance was one of many emergency vehicles littering the road, many parked on the sidewalks and even on the beach. There were several groups of men in the water, they were approaching something that was submerged, something that hadn’t been there during Thomas’ retreat. He ran down to the water, it was obvious there had been an accident of some kind and someone was hurt really bad. He was up to his chest before he realized Adam was right next to him.

“What are we supposed to do?” he yelled over the sirens. “What can we do?” He didn’t wait for answer, he followed the other men’s leads and dove into the water. The water got darker and darker, when he reached what they were looking for, it was what he had seen so many time in the sky over head. He could only guess they was someone inside, if there were ambulances on shore, but how many people would be inside.

He banged on the glass, hoping they would bang back, but there was silence. His eyes adjusted a little and he did see someone, he banged again, but still nothing. He took the hilt of his side arm and hit the glass, but nothing. Thomas hit it harder, and he heard a slight pop, the glass had cracked. He immediately hit it again, and the crack spread, the pressure difference sucked in the glass and water started pouring in. Thomas reached in and grabbed the body, but it was stuck, strapped in. He saw light reflecting off the glass and knew the others weren’t far behind, but not close either. He grabbed his sword and sliced through the shoulder harnesses with one pass. He pulled the body out and dragged it to the surface.

No one at the scene asked too many questions, because everyone knew there weren’t enough answers to go around. The pilot was on here way to the hospital and the Navy was coming to fish out their airplane. Thomas stood, slowly drying, next to Adam, who stood disbelieving just like the others, watching everything get packed up. When the excitement was thoroughly over Thomas and Adam slowly made their way back up the hill to their meadow.

* * * * *

The next morning, was the same as every other morning for the soldiers, however they stood side by side, looking across the meadow to the road leading down to the beach. Thomas sighed, and Adam sighed in response. Thomas turned to extinguish his campfire, and Adam started to groan.

“Uh, uh, uh,” he stammered. If he had known Thomas’ name, he may have been too frightened to use it. Thomas eyes followed the finger Adam was pointing in the direction of the road to the beach. Thomas recognized the figure as the person in the water, but Adam couldn’t have known that and continued to stutter. Thomas was almost relieved to not have spoken to this gentleman after all this time, not if he has such problems with speaking.

The figure was tall and thin, wearing green pants and a green blouse that neither started nor ended where they might have. The bottoms of the pants stopped at the top of boots to high to be of any real use, but to short to be calvary boots. The figure was wearing what appeared to be a hat, but it was bulbous, with a mask around the face. The oddest thing of all was the figure was walking straight towards them, not merely to them, but clearly at them.

They were both stunned when the figure waved at them. When it was only a couple of yards away, it removed its absurd head gear.

“Good morning!” hollered a female voice. The soldiers looked at each other, and knew their peaceful existence would be no more.

“Thank you, sir,” she said, reaching her hand out to Thomas. Confused, Thomas allowed his hand to be shook. “You saved my life.”

“I’m sorry, you must be awfully confused,” Adam said. “My fellow here, didn’t save you.”

“Oh, but you see he did,” she explained. “I’m actually in a coma resting comfortably at Bethesda.”

“Bethesda?” Thomas asked.

“A hospital, top notch, too, the President is seen there,” she said.

“Ah, I see,” Thomas said. Adam nodded in agreement.

“Anyway, I guess I’ll be hanging out with you until I wake up,” she said. She dropped her helmet on the grass. “By the way, I am Lieutenant Abigayle O’Reilly.” The soldiers stared at her, each feeling there own distinct connection.

“Sorry, I am Major Thomas O’Reilly.”

“And, I am Adam Demaree. Pleased to meet you, Miss, and you as well, Major.”

“Anymore coffee?” Abigayle asked, sitting on the ground.

“Oh, please have mine,” Adam said, offering his nearly full cup.

* * * * *

And so, it was the two soldiers would enjoy their coffee while they watched Abigayle trek up the hill, then they would share a cup while Abigayle had her own.

“So, I’m guessing neither of you is in a coma somewhere, right?” Abigayle asked one morning. “So, why are you hanging around?”

“I don’t know,” Thomas said.

“Me neither,” Adam agreed.

“What do you do all day?” she asked. She scanned the meadow.

“Mostly avoid the living,” Thomas laughed. ” They can be awful grating.”

Adam laughed, but he didn’t completely feel the same as Thomas. He felt an occasional encounter with the living helped him to remember what is was like to be alive and how tiresome it was to be dead. He knew there was more than this. There was more than this for him, and it couldn’t possibly be him lying in a coma someplace.

“So, what do you do hang out together all day?” she asked. “Wait, no…” She thought for a minute. “You met for the first time when you met me.” She looked from one to the other. “How is that?”

“We just never had occasion to meet,” Adam said.

“Two hundred years, and never an opportunity?” Abigayle laughed. “Men are astounding!” She laughed to herself.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Life's Laundry Prompt-7/20/05

When was the last time that you traveled by airplane?
The last time I traveled by airplane was last summer (?), I wasn't really traveling, my friedn was taking me for a ride around the pattern. I lasted all of five to ten minutes.

There are several reasons for failure to truly enjoy a lap or two around the pattern. First, the plane was a tiny two seater, I could move around the ramp with one arm tied behind my back. Secondly, my friend and myself were basically sitting on top of each other. Next, it is important to mention, that although I love airplanes, I am deathly afraid of heights. And last, but not least, I had a total crush on my friend.

The trip around the pattern before that, was with a three star Air Force general in his tiny two seater. His elbows were basically resting on my knees. This time I lasted about fifteen minutes. I even opened my eyes a few times.

My very first flight in a small aircraft was also with forementioned friend, and also lasted a very short time, because of heart palpations and profuse sweating, either from fear of heights or crush symptoms.

What's your favorite part about flying? Least favorite? I love airplanes, I was going to school to be a mechanic when I was in high school. I know the ins and outs of flight and how it happens, but it a miracle non the less to me everytime. I wish I could fly with out leaving the ground.