Saturday, August 20, 2005

Entertainment and Politics

I suppose mixing entertainment and politics go back at least as far as the assassination of President Lincoln, probably back much further. What disgusting bedfellows, I would consider it the cousin of gingerale and vodka (no one drinks that, right? I did experimenting as a teen and it was horrible). I mean, a novel idea by all means, but manipulating at it best and a coup at it's worst.

I know a heavy subject for a lazy Saturday, I' m sorry. The inspiration for this essay came after getting off the phone with my friend, M, a very intelligent religious young woman. She was talking about "Because of Winn Dixie" and mentioned Dave Matthews was in it. I casually mentioned Dave Matthews was pro-abortion, a factoid I had picked up at random months ago. Well, she gently challenged he, was he pro-choice, or pro-abortion. Honestly, I never realized there was a difference.

In the past, I always considered myself pro-choice, however, abortion was never a choice I would make. It was brought to my attention, through several discussions that I was simply sitting on the fence, and abortion was an issue one must chose one or other. So, I chose pro-life. I do not picket, or pledge, I just live my life.

Well, I hopped on the computer right away, because I distinctly remembered him and/or his band being referred to as pro-abortion. I am now starting to think which term you chose to use depends very much on which side of the fence you are on. I did a search for Dave+Matthews+Abortion, and was surprised by the number of hits. I chose Rock for Life (list of "Pro-Abortion Artists"). Sure, enough there was Dave Matthews Band. But there was 311, Blink 182, Bruce Springsteen, The Dixie Chics, and Everclear...I could go on and on. Now to this site's credit, they have a note which reads:

There are many reasons for a band to be on our pro-abortion bands list. Some of them donate money or play concerts to raise money for Planned Parenthood, Rock for Choice, Voters for Choice, Axis of Justice, America Coming Together,, Air Traffic Control Project, or other pro-abortion causes. Some of these bands produce songs with a pro-abortion message or they have taken a strong pro-choice stance. The bands on the following list either promote or endorse abortion.

So, it is very clear the members of these bands are not standing outside Planned Parenthood writing checks for girls that need abortions. They are just affiliated in one way or another with a political organization which does not align themselves with the Pro-Life stance. I notice that the organization at the top of this list was, which apparently Rocks Against Bush regularly, as well, as encourages voter registration.

Now, hold the freaking phones people!!

The Wounded Generation reveals my generation (GenX, also know as The 13th Generation), people born between 1961 and 1981, or 1965 and 1985 (depends on researcher) lost one in three to abortion. This sounds like the exact same demographic as those hanging out at What is the deal?

Sadly, the I have opened a can of worms I'd rather not have opened. What recourse do I have with my discoveries now? Toss all the Blink 182 music I own, or just don't buy anymore? And, it is not just entertainment and politics, entertainment is dabbling in telling us how to worship our gods, handle our mental health, etc...

I can already see where this is going for me, I will be searching and comparing various benefactors of the otherproducts I buy. What an evil cycle it is.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Don't Feed the...AAAAAAAhhhhhhh

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know they're cute. You know what they're freakin' adorable. But don't be fooled, these cuties are the same cuties that create mass confusion and mayhem wherever they go!

Don't feed the bears, yeah, whatever! Do not look these children in the eye! They can smell fear.

Any shopping excursion that begins with,"If you can behave in Safeway, Mommy'll buy you M's." will end in horribly.

Usually with Miss B cheeping (yes, my daughter does not speak, she cheeps, for real, no fooling, do you seriously think I would KID about something like this!), "Mommy, if I'm good I get candy". "I get candy if I'm good." "Mommy, I'm good, I want Ms."

She cheeps this over and over again, it's like a subliminal message, I actually start to believe that all is well. It wasn't she that dropped a 5 pound jar of Mayonnaise in the middle of Freddy's. That my entourage had nothing to do with the toppling of cans at the end of aisle 5.

Yes, yes, I know I should not set myself up for failure, but inevitibly they sense my desperation, I just want milk for my coffee, people! But they feed off the fear.

In the end, I pay for three boxes of SuperHyper O's that I didn't put in the cart and a two liter bottle of SugarUp soda, that magically appeared, as well. It takes the ride home to realize she was running interference. I sigh, and smile, my children are finally learning cooperation.

I shared a shopping experience with you yesterday, it was actually a mild one, I invite you to share with my today!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Well, duh?

From the "I-could-be-retarded-with-just-a-little-more-effort" files:

My children didn't just show up on my doorstep on morning and I brought them in with the paper. We've known each other long enough to know what sets the other off. We know what is expected of the other. Yeah, what brand of denial am I on?

My friend took my youngest, Frac and Miss B, this morning so I could run errands. I got to return library books three days early, instead of the usual two weeks late. I also was able to swing by the post office and mail a box to P. This was a project in itself, because of all the forms and what not. The postal matron asked if I had anything hazardous or explosive in the box.

I told her the only thing that could blow up (Yeah, I said blow up in the post office) was a bottle of sunscreen. And, ha, I lied, it wasn't even was lotion. An everyday type of lotion, I only wrote sunscreen so whom ever gave him the box at work wouldn't razz him. But, if I keep getting emails about what his mother sends him...Contents: Lube...whip...leather chaps...

Once I sent a male friend a box with all sorts of goodies (cookies, pretzels, Gatorade, etc...) and so no one would mess with the box, I wrote feminine hygeine products in the customs form. HAaaaaa!!! I'm just a housewife, okay, I have every right to keep myself entertained as the next guy.

Okay, so I pick up Frac and Miss B and we head to Best Buy, for the record P's favorite store. I have some coupons for free stuff, so I decided after a totally crappy day yesterday, some new FREE music is bound to cheer me up, and it just so happens Brad Paisley's new album is out. So, we're good in the truck, and good crossing the parking lot...and it all goes down hill from there. Okay, not completely, not yet, but only because Miss B is glued to my upper torso. She is a funny one, hold me, don't hold me...I never know with her. So she wants to be held, no biggy. Well, we're browsing, not sure what I'm in the mood for, I need to start working on my novel again, I work on it for about three months at a time, so music that will inspire work would be a good idea, although not necessary.

All of a sudden, she lets go of my neck and is laying horizontal, almost upside down. I nearly shit myself. Good thing she had started out squirming and I was holding her tightily, and I am pretty strong to begin with, or her brains would have been all over the floor. Okay, so nice save, as awkward as this is for me, she's happy, so I'm carrying her across my chest. Thia position reminds me of breastfeeding, and I am almost feeling humiliated.

So now, we're ok, until it's time to pay, I need to put her down, bad idea, but they're not going to let me leave without giving them some money. So now she's loose. I picked up two cds and tried to pay with my $25 coupons, but it came to $24.95, but I couldn't, so I paid with $15 coupons. Frac and Miss B were acting up, rolling around on the floor...Grrrrrrrrr

Well, I get out to the car, and it dawns on me I could have bought a freaking soda for $1 and got my music free, instead of paying $8. I am mostly pissed, because I my oppinion, the sales girl, "hello-honey-enough-eye-make-up?" should have said something. That is what customer service is about. For example:"5 more gallons of Jet-A and I can give you a 5% discount, sir"

The mostly awesome news is, right next to P's favorite store they are opening an OLD NAVY...Yahoo! This is cooler than cool, I can only hope that they stay in business long enough for P to get back, oh and I lose like 20 lbs, so I can actually look hot in low riding cords! They're opening tomorrow, as much as I would like to browse, I think I'm out of play money this payday, I'm still waiting for the septic pump check to clear.

But, then again, I'm thinking I really couldn't consider browsing with Frac and Miss B.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Bare with brain hurts.

1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet / Street you live on): Taffy Military

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food / Grandfather's first name): Cookie Richard

3. YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see on your left / Favorite restaurant): Book McDonald

4. EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice / Last Foreign Vacation Spot):Cinnamon Catskill

5. SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname / Town Where You First Partied): Newt Levittown

6. "FLY GIRL/BOY" ALIAS (a la J. Lo): (First Initial / First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name): J. Go

7. ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight / Any Liquid in Your Kitchen):Soda Water

8. DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal / Where You Went to High School):Puppy Valley

9. BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate / Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink):Cookie Bacaradi

10. SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name / Street Where You First Lived):Ann Perry

11. ROCK STAR ALIAS: (Favorite Candy / Last Name Of Favorite Musician): Kit Kat Morrisette

12. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: ( First 2 letters of your first name and the first 3 Letters from your last name makes your first name. Take the first 2 letters of your mother's maiden name and the first 3 letters of the city you were born in): Jusky Habay

Nuclear Options

Okay, is it just me, or is this new catch phrase getting rather irksome.

The first time I recall hearing it was during Senate Judical Nominations. It was meant to block the philbusters, or something like that, it really wasn't clear.One of the Koreas had just backed out of Six Party Nuclear talks, talk about confusing.

On the news just this morning, they were talking about another nuclear option, I can't remember which. I know we're not in the middle of the Cold War, but tossing around the word nuclear is starting to make me nervous.

The term nuclear family doesn't bother me, however, nuclear option for some reason, being the obscure term that it is does. At least I am starting to understand the context under which the term is used-mostly as a threat.

Clean your room, or I will have to consider the nuclear option.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

100 or so Things About Me

  1. I am a Taurus, and if you don't know it within 10 minutes of meeting me, well, you're pretty slow on the uptake.
  2. I was born on Long Island, New York, and am still in the process of growing up.
  3. I fear I look more and more like my mother every year.
  4. I remember my favorite color being orange as a young child, then I changed it to blue, because it was my mother's. Now it is green.
  5. I have taught myself to crochet, and I am almost good at it.
  6. I would like to refer to myself as 'writer' or 'author' when asked what I do, but feel that is a lie until I am published AND paid.
  7. I actually queried an agency and they were interested in my proposal, but I dropped the ball.
  8. I drop the ball often.
  9. When the agency expressed interest I was very excited, and P sent me flowers at work to encourage me not to drop the ball, they were yellow roses.
  10. I love to write, but am afraid to share, because once it's out there you can't take it back.
  11. When P goes away I send 1 letter for every 3 I write. Same rule applied when my brother was in Iraq.
  12. I am not a girly-girl, but I love roses, especially yellow.
  13. I am more girly than I let on.
  14. I love Mustangs, and would sell a kidney for a 2005 GT, but until I get an offer I am content to drive my 2000 non-GT.
  15. I think my Mustang is a stationwagon.
  16. My other car is an Explorer, the first time I had 3 carseats lined up in the backseat I cried.
  17. I don't cry a lot on account I am emotionally constipated.
  18. I have been in two accidents, both in my first Mustang, a 1993 LX. The first one I was rear ended in NY, the second I rear ended someone in CA.
  19. I drive crazy, everyone else drives stupid, there is a difference.
  20. I am about 1/3 of the way through an Airframe/Power Plant license (Aircraft Mechanic), but I will likely never finish it.
  21. I am a Licensed Pharmacy Assistant in Washington. It would cost $50 to become a Technician, which would increase my wage a few dollars.
  22. I am a stay-at-home mom, I don't know how long this will last.
  23. My last job was at a regional airport, I pumped fuel and I loved it, it was physically demanding (sometimes) and mentally exhausting (all of the time).
  24. I met a lot of interesting people, most thought I was a bimbo and there solely for decoration.
  25. I worked with all men, except for a receptionist and another woman, Shawna who worked opposite shifts from me, in a very sexist environment. If the company was larger, I probably would have sued them.
  26. I almost blew up my car once, and if I did, I would have blown up a hangar full of airplanes, too.
  27. I was let go two weeks before I was leaving anyway, this was horrible, because it was around the Xmas holiday, and I could have used the money.
  28. Shawna was let go shortly after me.
  29. I miss my job at the airport, because it got me out of the house and interacting with people, I love airplanes, and it was my muse.
  30. I am not afraid to fly, I am afraid of heights and falling from said heights.
  31. One day I will overcome this fear and learn to fly.
  32. While working at the airport, I flew in a Piper Warrior and a 150 flown by my friend, and an experimental plane flown by a 3 star Air Force General.
  33. This same general helped me to get on base for my brother's return from Iraq. He also arranged for VIP seating. Unfortunately, even though we thought we were 2 hours early, we were actually 3 hours late.
  34. I was in the Navy for 14 months.
  35. During bootcamp you were not supposed to carry anything in your pockets except your ID card, I carried a bottle of eye drops for my contact lens in my sock and a picture of the guy I went to my prom with in my shirt pocket.
  36. I was desperately in love with him at the time, I don't think he had a clue.
  37. I got to go on a Mediterranean Cruise for 6 months, I saw Spain, France, Greece, and Italy.
  38. During this trip I played a D&D game called Magic:The Gathering, now I abhor D&D games.
  39. I think authentic Italian food is watery, and would rather eat at an Italian restaurant in New York.
  40. While in Italy, I signed up for a trip to ski in the Austrian Alps. I almost killed myself. I also went on a trip to Pompeii.
  41. While on liberty I drank a lot. Once I puked in the Captain's Gig. She actually had been waiting for it, and was not happy.
  42. I joined the Navy to be an Aircraft Mechanic, and hoped to be an Aircrew member.
  43. Because I took my contacts out right before my eye exam I failed it.
  44. I became a Damage Controlman instead.
  45. I was kicked out of the Navy, but usually say "I was invited to leave", because it makes me feel better.
  46. The reason I was FINALLY "invited to leave" was because I went UA.
  47. I drove from South Carolina to California and got married.
  48. The drive took 3 1/2 days.
  49. We would have been married 11 years this September (2005), if we had not taken a sabbatical for a year.
  50. By sabbatical I mean we were divorced.
  51. We just remarried in June(2005).
  52. I hit on him first.
  53. We were certain we had met each other before, but we couldn't figure out where, so we decided it must have been a Taco Bell on 25A.
  54. We grew up about 20 miles from each other in NY, but met at a Naval training Facility in CA.
  55. I have lived in a single wide trailer.
  56. I have worked at the only Dunkin' Donuts in South Carolina.
  57. I have worked at McDonald's twice, both times while going to college.
  58. I have about 20 college credits.
  59. I know just enough about everything to dangerous.
  60. I'm smarter than I act, but dumber than I think.
  61. I tried out for Teen Jeopardy when I was 12. I didn't make it.
  62. I have 3 kids, 2 are March babies and the other is a December baby. Two were conceived shortly after a major moves.
  63. All my children were born in different states.
  64. I think one day I might like another baby.
  65. I am always up for another puppy.
  66. I pretend I am not a cat person.
  67. My daughter is a girly-girl, and this scares the shit out of me.
  68. It disturbs me that my daughter likes Care Bears, and I pray Smurfs are not resurrected.
  69. To wind down I watch war movies.
  70. I love to read and generally read 2-3 books concurrently.
  71. I read Gone With the Wind in 6th grade.
  72. I read all the Left Behind books, but thought the writing was horrible.
  73. I feel that the death of my paternal grandmother profoundly changed my life.
  74. I have several categories of best friends.
  75. The geographically closest best friend I met because her son bit my daughter at preschool.
  76. The geographically furthest best friend I met through P, she is married to a friend of his. She introduced me to cloth diapers and breast feeding. She is better known as The Good Twin.
  77. I cloth diapered my first two exclusively, and breastfed the last two exclusively.
  78. My first had a bad suck reflex because of his neurological problem.
  79. My last didn't get cloth diapers, because they were accidentally thrown out during a move.
  80. We have made two cross country moves.
  81. The doctors tell me my oldest had a stroke in utero, they do not know why.
  82. He is visually impaired, for two years we were raising him as a blind child. He was learning Braille.
  83. I had an ultrasound at 6 months and was very excited to be having a girl.
  84. My daughter has a genetic disorder, called DiGeorge Syndrome.
  85. It is rare, but I know 2 families within a mile of my house that have kids with DiGeorge.
  86. My daughter did not inherit the disorder from me or my husband.
  87. I was "struck by lightening" twice.
  88. I loved my daughter, but did not allow myself to be in love with her until she was several weeks old.
  89. I have gone home from the hospital twice without my babies.
  90. My middle guy was under a bilirubin light for a week.
  91. My daughter hung out in a NICU in another state.
  92. I had my appendix out when I was three months pregnant with my middle guy.
  93. My favorite TV show right now is Rescue Me.
  94. I used to watch Denis Leary on HBO when I babysat as a teenager, I had the biggest crush on him.
  95. My favorite PC games are The Sims. I have The Sims 2 and the University Expansion, but it keeps crashing, so Maxis can kiss my keaster.
  96. I once was an Umberchristian, but now I'm not. It's amazing how little it takes to throw away your faith.
  97. I've always been a quitter, so I'll stop now.

The Paul Stamp of Approval

P stumbled onto his computer this morning logged onto Messenger and decided to vote for my Blog, just as Messenger subliminally suggested. In the course of voting however, he decided to browse., which I might add delayed his collapsing into bed.

In hindsight, I probably should have started archiving our messages at this point, because he said stuff like 'I enjoy reading about you' and 'I want to know what you're doing'. These are not verbatim quotes mind you, just a suggestion of what he may have almost possibly come close to saying, there is of course room for misinterpretation (as always). But in a nutshell, basically, he said post away, so I have reposted some things I pulled. The reason I pulled certain posts is because as therapeutic for me blogging maybe, it is most certainly counterproductive if it's making another kind of mess in it's wake.

The truth is however, is that I have been keeping some sort of journal since fourth grade, but basically stopped during my adulthood, it really is difficult to find a private quiet moment with children. Blogging definitely meets more than one need in my life. These needs being: quiet time with my thoughts, typing practice, and I guess now another form of communication with my husband. The last reason being the most important, because I am and have been emotionally constipated forever, and I am better able to convey my feelings through the written word. Our reconciliation process actually began during an IM session when I only lived about 5 miles across town. Technology, sometimes it can be a wonderful thing.

To My Man in Tan
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, I love you

Tryin to find the magic,
Tryin to write a classic,
Dontcha know, dontcha know, dontcha know?
Wastebin full of paper,
clever rhymes- see ya later

I love you I love you, thats all I got to say
cant think of a better way, and thats all I got to say
I love you, is that ok?

-Natashe Bedington, 'These Words'

Friday, August 12, 2005

To Comment or Not to Comment

Well, I thought I had been doing ok for a while, visiting other blogs along my internet travels and leaving a comment, or two. A few blog owners actually came back to my site and left an encouraging word. Thank you all, so much.

I am an attention whore, so I was checking my email every hour to see if I had gotten any new comments. Ask Amy, the Good Twin, about me and my blog. I live 3,000 miles away from her and I can still get her to vote for my blog every single day. This is mostly an intergrity issue, as I do not want to be under a blog called 'Blow Me', I hope you can understand.

Anyhow, the comments abruptly stopped...I was devastated, as I feel the more comment worthy material is dispersed through out the blog. I have the firt 1,250 words of a short story, a few Flash Memiors, and just my strong yankee opinion spewing all over the place waiting to be challenged.

I am at a complete loss, as I may have offended some people by challenging their politics or ideas. I do apologize, I like debate, and I will turn it down. Perhaps, I should just stick to writing about my children. That is not offensive to anyone, yet...evil laughter...picturing a fifteen year old wincing as his mother uploads her blog for his date to see...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Jet Fuel Only??

"Your blog is not even remotely associated with airplanes or fuel, what's up with your title?"

Gee, anonymos, non-email answering astute blog reader, thanks for your question. I would have preferred a comment, then other readers would hang out, knowing at least one other person had been to my blog.

I used to fuel jets at a regional airport, it was great fun.

I borrowed a sticker from work, which was originally designed to be placed on the wing of a jet. Ironically, this sticker said "Jet Fuel Only".

I am mentally unsound, so the term highly combustable suits my personality rather well.

I stuck this sticker above the gas tank of my car...

And a dynasty was born.

Interactive Birth Control

This is really not the best day to post anything negative about my children, because for the most part they've been almost maybe well-behaved today. However, if I don't write when it hits me I typically don't write and then the world misses out on a "Newtism"*

Newtism (noot or nyoot) noun 1.belief or theory of Newt ideas 2. the act or result of Newt ideas 3.the condition, behavior or qualities of Newts (Please see further explanation of Newt)
Newt-What my father has called me since forever.

Anyhow, I'm missing my family pretty bad this week, mostly because this weekend my parents (Dad and Stepmom) had what they call The Queen of the Full Moon Festival. Basically, friends and family and friends of friends and family, converge on my parents 113 acre farm in upstate New York. These are people you see once a year, or many driving down the Expressway in the other direction. It's basically bring your own beer and beef, now this is all speculation, as I have never been to a QFMF, but I've been told everybody brings stuff to share, and my parents lay out some sides.

People sleep in tents, under the stars, in cars, and barns sans animals. No one sleeps in the house, except maybe "Franklin", one of my Dad's oldest friends, and my personal favorite to discuss ISSUES with. Now, you're not supposed to show up until Friday afternoon (shoot for cocktail hour and brownie points with Dad if you bring him a beer) and leave Sunday afternoon, taking all your garbage with you. Well, apparently this year everyone arrived early, like Thursday early.

Well, it wasn't me, I was approximately 3,000 miles away in sunny Washington. I get invited to this thing every year, but it's like-gee thanks, gonna miss the fun again this year....

I digress, back to the topic at hand, what does interactive birth control have to do with my family? Everything actually.

When we lived in New York, we could count on my brother Danny and his girlfriend at the time to come out to see us once a month or so. They took my boys to the Staten Island Zoo, and the Children's Museum. I would drop the boys off and go food shopping, or me and my husband would see a movie. In fact, the day my daughter was born Dan and his girlfriend showed up, so they hung out at the house whilst the doctors told us it was only a bladder infection irritating your uterus, so go home. Now, his girlfriend, was totally sweet and had the boys make welcome home posters while we were gone for 3 hours (It is unwritten law to keep people off the street for 2-4 hours after checking into a hospital, no matter what the reason), but not being the sharpest tool in the shed commented on our walking in the door, completely baby-less- "That was quick.".

We lived about 3 hours from my parents farm, so we could visit on the weekends. My parents are sheep farmers, no not ranchers, do not correct me. Twenty sheep does not a rancher make. They tried to name there sheep, whom they raised for wool and mutton, after my children. How sick is that? (Anyway, I put and end to that and Ryan became Rye Bread.) Anyway, I sure no offense was meant by it...

My Dad would "allow" my dog to herd chickens, this was mostly when he wasn't around to holler at me and my "damn dog". My boys would also "herd" they chickens an they weren't yelled at, what a double standard.

My husband actually dropped me and my boys off the celebrate Y2K with my parents for two weeks. I was like 6 months pregnant. Oh, that was fun. Actually, it watched the FoxNews channel to our hearts content, played in the snow.

That same year we still had WA state tags on our car and I lent it to my step sister, Sica (See-ka). We had a busted tail light, which we didn't know about, and expired tags which we didn't particularly care about, because we didn't have the money to get New York Tags. Can you say DMV line in New York? Yeah, thought so... Anyway, she was pulled over and they found an unknown substance in a baggy in the back seat. Now, I need you to understand, some dude had just tried to sneak into the US from Canada to blow up LAX, and he did his sneaking through Washington. So, she was , she was detained, even though there's nothing I can think that she may have wanted to blow up in Upstate New York. Our farm was hours from anything even remotely important. And, curious thing about that unknown substance, I don't know what THEY ever decided it was, but it was really just cookie crumbs. Homemade chocolate chip, if I remember right.

Sica was not too pleased with me, nor was my father, who had been a Nassau County Police Officer for 27 years, his daughter driving around in a moving violation. I got a piece of everyone's mind the next morning. My father insisted we get new tags in we did. I even ended up getting a new license. My drivers license had a picture of me pregnant for like 2 years, I looked very bloated, I couldn't wait to get a new one!

Well, right now, with P gone I would like nothing more than to pack up my car and head upstate. It doesn't bother me that I missed the party this year. it bothers me that I have missed every party and everyone at the party for as long as they've been having the party.

Oh, and as for the interactive birth control, I rent my kids out weekdays and weekends starting at $1200/hour, individually or as a set. They will eat you out of house and home, mess up your car's leather seats, stink up your bathroom, run up your utilities bill (including Pay-Per-View, if you leave your remote lying around), and just make your life crazy in general.
Renter's are required to show proof of insurance and current CPR and First Aid.
  • I suggest at least 2 days back to back for any bachelor or married man whose girlfriend or wife is hinting about having a baby.
  • I suggest 2 or more children for any bachelor or married man whose girlfriend or wife is talking about having children. (Not for the squeamish!!)
This was the reason, of course, my brother allowed his flaky girlfriend within 100 miles of us, interactive birth control.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Happy Hump Day

I have been so lazy with this blog, I was almost on a roll, however, I am a quitter. The entries of this blog will ebb and flow like the tide, increases and decreases, high output and low output.

I have been adding bells and whistles over the past few days, trying to find some inspiration. I can usually find some in my children, but this week has been very trying for me. I thought I had (once again) broken the chain of "Late to Bed, Late to Rise", but I didn't. If it's gonna be ten more months of this I don't think I can do it.

My new therapist seems nice enough (after one meeting), so I am hopeful with the help of my new physician (Meeting him/her for the first time next week) we can tweak my medication so I am once again a functioning human being.

I wish my digital camera was working, my computer is not registering it when I plug it in, then I could at least show you some before and after pics of my youngest son's room I'm trying to renovate. Or better yet, my daughter's room before and after I sweep it out and reorganize.

Or, the poncho I am sewing for my daughter, hopefully in time for the first chilly weeks of the fall. Or, the Precious Moments Noah's Ark cross stitch project my MIL gave my for Christmas. This thing is like 3'x3' and has tiny little stitches, so this project will keep me busy for quite awhile. I could also share with you the recycled jean skirt and capris I made yesterday. But, alas...Stupid Susie Homemaker's 'puter won't recognize her camera...How lucky for you.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Me and My Guy

Here is my "WHY?"
Send me yours.
Here is the one person that could get me out of bed when I had the flu...
Here is the person that arranged my first ride in an ambulance, with the lights and sirens on...
Here is the person I shared a hospital bed with when he had a severe throat infection when I may have been miscarrying his sister...
Here is the person that reminds me to give him his medicine, and take my own...
Here is the person that surprises me everyday with his wit and his wisdom...
Here is one of the few people I can cry in front of...