100 or so Things About Me
- I am a Taurus, and if you don't know it within 10 minutes of meeting me, well, you're pretty slow on the uptake.
- I was born on Long Island, New York, and am still in the process of growing up.
- I fear I look more and more like my mother every year.
- I remember my favorite color being orange as a young child, then I changed it to blue, because it was my mother's. Now it is green.
- I have taught myself to crochet, and I am almost good at it.
- I would like to refer to myself as 'writer' or 'author' when asked what I do, but feel that is a lie until I am published AND paid.
- I actually queried an agency and they were interested in my proposal, but I dropped the ball.
- I drop the ball often.
- When the agency expressed interest I was very excited, and P sent me flowers at work to encourage me not to drop the ball, they were yellow roses.
- I love to write, but am afraid to share, because once it's out there you can't take it back.
- When P goes away I send 1 letter for every 3 I write. Same rule applied when my brother was in Iraq.
- I am not a girly-girl, but I love roses, especially yellow.
- I am more girly than I let on.
- I love Mustangs, and would sell a kidney for a 2005 GT, but until I get an offer I am content to drive my 2000 non-GT.
- I think my Mustang is a stationwagon.
- My other car is an Explorer, the first time I had 3 carseats lined up in the backseat I cried.
- I don't cry a lot on account I am emotionally constipated.
- I have been in two accidents, both in my first Mustang, a 1993 LX. The first one I was rear ended in NY, the second I rear ended someone in CA.
- I drive crazy, everyone else drives stupid, there is a difference.
- I am about 1/3 of the way through an Airframe/Power Plant license (Aircraft Mechanic), but I will likely never finish it.
- I am a Licensed Pharmacy Assistant in Washington. It would cost $50 to become a Technician, which would increase my wage a few dollars.
- I am a stay-at-home mom, I don't know how long this will last.
- My last job was at a regional airport, I pumped fuel and I loved it, it was physically demanding (sometimes) and mentally exhausting (all of the time).
- I met a lot of interesting people, most thought I was a bimbo and there solely for decoration.
- I worked with all men, except for a receptionist and another woman, Shawna who worked opposite shifts from me, in a very sexist environment. If the company was larger, I probably would have sued them.
- I almost blew up my car once, and if I did, I would have blown up a hangar full of airplanes, too.
- I was let go two weeks before I was leaving anyway, this was horrible, because it was around the Xmas holiday, and I could have used the money.
- Shawna was let go shortly after me.
- I miss my job at the airport, because it got me out of the house and interacting with people, I love airplanes, and it was my muse.
- I am not afraid to fly, I am afraid of heights and falling from said heights.
- One day I will overcome this fear and learn to fly.
- While working at the airport, I flew in a Piper Warrior and a 150 flown by my friend, and an experimental plane flown by a 3 star Air Force General.
- This same general helped me to get on base for my brother's return from Iraq. He also arranged for VIP seating. Unfortunately, even though we thought we were 2 hours early, we were actually 3 hours late.
- I was in the Navy for 14 months.
- During bootcamp you were not supposed to carry anything in your pockets except your ID card, I carried a bottle of eye drops for my contact lens in my sock and a picture of the guy I went to my prom with in my shirt pocket.
- I was desperately in love with him at the time, I don't think he had a clue.
- I got to go on a Mediterranean Cruise for 6 months, I saw Spain, France, Greece, and Italy.
- During this trip I played a D&D game called Magic:The Gathering, now I abhor D&D games.
- I think authentic Italian food is watery, and would rather eat at an Italian restaurant in New York.
- While in Italy, I signed up for a trip to ski in the Austrian Alps. I almost killed myself. I also went on a trip to Pompeii.
- While on liberty I drank a lot. Once I puked in the Captain's Gig. She actually had been waiting for it, and was not happy.
- I joined the Navy to be an Aircraft Mechanic, and hoped to be an Aircrew member.
- Because I took my contacts out right before my eye exam I failed it.
- I became a Damage Controlman instead.
- I was kicked out of the Navy, but usually say "I was invited to leave", because it makes me feel better.
- The reason I was FINALLY "invited to leave" was because I went UA.
- I drove from South Carolina to California and got married.
- The drive took 3 1/2 days.
- We would have been married 11 years this September (2005), if we had not taken a sabbatical for a year.
- By sabbatical I mean we were divorced.
- We just remarried in June(2005).
- I hit on him first.
- We were certain we had met each other before, but we couldn't figure out where, so we decided it must have been a Taco Bell on 25A.
- We grew up about 20 miles from each other in NY, but met at a Naval training Facility in CA.
- I have lived in a single wide trailer.
- I have worked at the only Dunkin' Donuts in South Carolina.
- I have worked at McDonald's twice, both times while going to college.
- I have about 20 college credits.
- I know just enough about everything to dangerous.
- I'm smarter than I act, but dumber than I think.
- I tried out for Teen Jeopardy when I was 12. I didn't make it.
- I have 3 kids, 2 are March babies and the other is a December baby. Two were conceived shortly after a major moves.
- All my children were born in different states.
- I think one day I might like another baby.
- I am always up for another puppy.
- I pretend I am not a cat person.
- My daughter is a girly-girl, and this scares the shit out of me.
- It disturbs me that my daughter likes Care Bears, and I pray Smurfs are not resurrected.
- To wind down I watch war movies.
- I love to read and generally read 2-3 books concurrently.
- I read Gone With the Wind in 6th grade.
- I read all the Left Behind books, but thought the writing was horrible.
- I feel that the death of my paternal grandmother profoundly changed my life.
- I have several categories of best friends.
- The geographically closest best friend I met because her son bit my daughter at preschool.
- The geographically furthest best friend I met through P, she is married to a friend of his. She introduced me to cloth diapers and breast feeding. She is better known as The Good Twin.
- I cloth diapered my first two exclusively, and breastfed the last two exclusively.
- My first had a bad suck reflex because of his neurological problem.
- My last didn't get cloth diapers, because they were accidentally thrown out during a move.
- We have made two cross country moves.
- The doctors tell me my oldest had a stroke in utero, they do not know why.
- He is visually impaired, for two years we were raising him as a blind child. He was learning Braille.
- I had an ultrasound at 6 months and was very excited to be having a girl.
- My daughter has a genetic disorder, called DiGeorge Syndrome.
- It is rare, but I know 2 families within a mile of my house that have kids with DiGeorge.
- My daughter did not inherit the disorder from me or my husband.
- I was "struck by lightening" twice.
- I loved my daughter, but did not allow myself to be in love with her until she was several weeks old.
- I have gone home from the hospital twice without my babies.
- My middle guy was under a bilirubin light for a week.
- My daughter hung out in a NICU in another state.
- I had my appendix out when I was three months pregnant with my middle guy.
- My favorite TV show right now is Rescue Me.
- I used to watch Denis Leary on HBO when I babysat as a teenager, I had the biggest crush on him.
- My favorite PC games are The Sims. I have The Sims 2 and the University Expansion, but it keeps crashing, so Maxis can kiss my keaster.
- I once was an Umberchristian, but now I'm not. It's amazing how little it takes to throw away your faith.
- I've always been a quitter, so I'll stop now.
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From the "good twin" love # 77
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