Is it Friday yet?
As if it matters...
I ran down to Gig Harbor today to drop off some Tupperware catalogs. It was quite a drive, but I welcomed the change of scene, for real, I go no where except food shopping and my friend Michele's house. I should go to church, but I don't, this has to do with the rolling my ass out of bed at 11AM, and having to wrestle with "The Others".
We swung by the airport for a few minutes and watched a few airplanes take off and land. I like to check out what is going on there every now and again, because the airport has been the best muse ever! I mean check it out, experiences I have witnessed, endured, or heard about: drug use, sexual harassment, and huge egos...Shit, I could write an X-rated Wings. The owners and a few mechanics would hang around after hours until 7 or 8 (I know 'cause I was still working) and drink beer and shoot the shit. I was like, don't you have somewhere to be? I was occassionally offered a beer, but usually turned it down, just because it left alot of room for error, if you get my meaning.
Anyway, I have a love affair with all thing aeronautical, so it was nice to visit. Whn P gets back with "my" laptop, I'll probably hang out there in the shadows of the hangars, amongst the smell of deisel and jet fuel and burning rubber on tarmac and write my memoirs.
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