Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Life's Laundry Prompt-7/20/05

When was the last time that you traveled by airplane?
The last time I traveled by airplane was last summer (?), I wasn't really traveling, my friedn was taking me for a ride around the pattern. I lasted all of five to ten minutes.

There are several reasons for failure to truly enjoy a lap or two around the pattern. First, the plane was a tiny two seater, I could move around the ramp with one arm tied behind my back. Secondly, my friend and myself were basically sitting on top of each other. Next, it is important to mention, that although I love airplanes, I am deathly afraid of heights. And last, but not least, I had a total crush on my friend.

The trip around the pattern before that, was with a three star Air Force general in his tiny two seater. His elbows were basically resting on my knees. This time I lasted about fifteen minutes. I even opened my eyes a few times.

My very first flight in a small aircraft was also with forementioned friend, and also lasted a very short time, because of heart palpations and profuse sweating, either from fear of heights or crush symptoms.

What's your favorite part about flying? Least favorite? I love airplanes, I was going to school to be a mechanic when I was in high school. I know the ins and outs of flight and how it happens, but it a miracle non the less to me everytime. I wish I could fly with out leaving the ground.


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