Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hey, All

Sorry, for the prolonged vacation, but I have been real sick. I had a bit of a head cold, then it moved to my chest and I've been pretty wiped out. Before getting sick I really didn't have much to post, as I have been "on strike" because P won't clean his room, so I haven't painted in the better part of a week. It has been really hard for me though, I am on the verge of caving.

I didn't have the foresight to take a before picture, but here is the after picture of the results of the yard sale I had today. Take my word for it, huge improvement. I made $32 and am almost finished with my book by Clive Cussler. I am really big in to Clive Cussler books now, after watching Sahara like 2 dozen times last week when I wasn't feeling good. I don't know what had me more riveted the whole action/adventure (I am a diehard Indiana Jones fan, and wish they'd make another already!!) or Matthew McConnaughy.

Okay, back to yard sale, so whatever I didn't sell clothes wise I donated to the Salvation Army, and not to pat myself on the back, but to illustrate the excess we have in my house (gggrrrr, this stuff sooooo needed to be gone years ago) here is a picture of the back of my Explorer.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Just Pics, No Commentary

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Skirts from yesterday

More of my handiwork:
Two trendy skirts made with less than 1-1/2 yards each, and less than $2/yard took about 4 hours while waiting for paint to dry.

I have no idea what round I'm on...

The fumes are doing me in.

I have removed the tape that is no longer needed, like the white stripes between the oranges and yellows. I slapped on a coat of green, and probably another later on.

Until very recently, I have been very excited
about this project, and my kids were, too. Well, this week I have been doing alot of yelling, and they have been doing a whole lot of nothing, except driving me crazy with screeching, etc...How eager I was for school to staert I seemed to have forgotten about the chaos of the weekends. So, right now, I really need to reign myself in, because I just want to be done. Now I just feel like the sooner I'm done the less time I waste on children that don't give a flying fuck anyway, because their rooms were whit for 5 years and they didn't complain. Why do I bother, right now, I feel like I can't do anything nice for them without them paying me back ten times with grief.

Here is a close up of my stripes.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Round Four- Judith - 4, Paint - 1

So, last night I didn't get around to putting on that second coat of yellow, instead, I cut out two skirts, which now look like this:

Pictures are't showing up(??)

I am really mad though, because I could have sworn I had some zippers laying around, so after all that work, so one would be ready by Sunday, it's not happening.

Today, I got the kids on the bus and went to the doctor. Just a follow up to make sure I am following through with getting a shrink and taking my medication, you know everything a self respecting manic-depressive would do.

Anyhow, my hips have been bothering me, now mind you I am only 20 10, so i shouldn't be arthitis, though who knows. I was born with a displaced hip or something, so says my mom. It has only really caused me severe discomfort during pregnancy, and with intimate contortionist activity (if you get my drift). So, none of these apply, nor has my physical activity really changed, so I spoke with my doctor and she ordered x-rays. Let's just say, I wasn't nervous or upset, but now slightily nervous. So, my hips are outta wack, nothing threatening about that...I think my anxiety is just realizing the natural progression of age, and that although I do not rollerblade or iceskate as much as I would like, in all intent and purposes it will now be even less.

So, called in sick to the Greeter Service this afternoon, I really was wiped out from the doctor's office, picked upmy daughter at kindergarten, actually started a conversation with another mother, with a daughter (!!!), then proceeded home and tried to take a nap.

Well, I discovered earlier this morning that yesterday with all my shopping, Wally World for paint, and the commisary for groceries, and not checking my funds before hand, I had checks doing back hand springs. So, I was totally getting this nagging feeling, that P was not going to be happy, so I had better cover my ass and at least have something to show for my eager spending. I changed into my painting gear and got to work.

Anyway, another set of pictures is not wanting to show up, so I guess you are just going to have to believe me. I splashed the second coat of yellow on early this afternoon, and early in the evening about six hours later(after stitching together my skirts) and feeding my kids, I went ahead a painted the first coat of orange stripes. The closet door that I haven't painted white yet is turning out to be the bain of my existence, because I did all the orange tonight, except, well, for that freakin' door!

I figure tomorrow the second round of orange, paint the closet door white before I lose my mind, then in the afternoon throw some orange on the closet, then maybe try to get some green on. I am making som incredible progress, except, well, go figure, the stripes are kicking my butt. I would like to do stripes in my oldest son's room as well, but I will have to find an easier way to do it. Right now, there is just too many taping and re-taping sessions, very tedious, the most boring part of the whole job.

On a happy note, Paulie loves how his room is coming along and is very eager to get satrs on the walls!

And, lastly, I was very sad yesterday when I went to bed with no sign of a happy anniversary from P, not by phone or email or courier. However, after chasing the kids onto the bus, I saw a box of flowers leaning against the garage door. I can only imagine the dog was out in front last night when the delivery person came by. So, I was very happy this morning!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Round Three- Judith 3, Paint 1

Let it begin! Okay, four cans of paint, blue, yellow, orange and green. In Nickelodeon colors, but purchased at Wally World, for about $3 cheaper a can.Some more tape, as I ran out last night while I was finishing up the stripe taping, just 1 1/2 feet shy of the aggravating! Four stick sticks, and four quart cups.

First, I painted the yellow stripes, and may squeeze in a second coat tonight, if depends on whether I feel particularly manic or not. I have a doctor appointment in the morning, so I may just go to bed, at least so I can say I tried to sleep.

Then I painted the night sky wall blue.

Then, since I was so into the blue, I decided to just go ahead and do all the blue trim, but not the stripes.So, this was around the door, closet doors, and window. It's hard to tell, because the tape is blue, too.You can just take my word for it.

And, no, I still haven't gotten around to the other side of the closet door.I don't know if it's out of sheer laziness, or because the colors have completely distracted me.

I did really well with the yellow, but had a few dribbles on the wall with the blue. No worries though, as coincidence
would have it, the drops splashed were it will end up blue anyway.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update! Let me know what you think!

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is mine and Paul's 11TH First Wedding Anniversary! This picture is from our wedding in June. The first time we were married I was wearing black levis and a t-shirt. Ironically, when we got divorced and stood before the judge I was better dressed in khakis and a button down shirt.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I went to church in low-riding jeans and...

a t-shirt this weekend. I am not kidding...I have not been in a church since the week after I remarried my x-husband. Before we were remarried, it had been nearly 3 years since I regularly attended church.I used to drag my kids weekly, attend Sunday school, and then Bible study during the week.

I am not bragging, nor was I prideful then, but God, for His own reasons brought me to my knees. Events and people, everything in my life fell apart all at once. My 2 yo daughter needed open heart surgery while my husband was out to sea, and we had no indication she would need surgery. Shortly after returning to his boat, my husband had an affair with a woman on his ship, which resulted in a child, just 2 weeks shy of coming home to stay. I suffered from physical, emotional, and mental collapse.

For 3 years, I asked God, 'why me?', 'why my family?'. Finally, 2 weeks ago, I figured out God was not going to answer me, so I had better just get over myself, and get back to God and his precepts.However, I had been in the desert for so long that I was afraid, and in a comfort zone that I didn't know how to get out of.I knew all I had to do was take the first step.

God had been so faithful to me in the past, my husband admitted his adultery and found Christ, he having been an unbeliever the whole 8 years we were married.

So, this week, I decided I was going to goto church if it killed me. Well, it didn't, it was terribly awkward the way I was dressed, but no one paid me any mind, I apparently looked like someone that needed to be there. Will I dress so secular again, no I won't, not for the morning service.Being in church rocked my world so wonderfully again, that I could hardly wait for it to be Sunday again, so I went to the evening service, which spoke to my barren hardened heart even more.

My God was talking to me. He had missed me. He was sad I had turned away from Him, but is glad I am seeking Him again.

He doesn't care what I wear. Wearing a dress or a skirt, or even a cover does not make me more righteous or sinless, because I am still a human.However, by wearing a cover, I feel closer to God because I am living His precepts. Will I start wearing dresses and skirts, probably, but right now I am taking babysteps.

Sorry to vent, I do appreciate all you ladies and your insights, butwhat we wear does not make one of us better than the other, it really is what is on the inside that counts.

(This post was actually an email I set to a ladies bible study group after they obviously looked down their noses at a young woman not "dressed appropriately" for church)

Monday, September 12, 2005

Let Me Wipe That Smug Off Your Face

I sell Tupperware and also direct sell coffee (Kat's Coffees & More), and to advertise my businesses I work for a neighborhood greeting service. I basically put together packets of other businesses in the area for distribution to new residents.

The subject of this evenings post has little to do with how I spend my time stuffing packets, but everything to do with where the office in which I do this work is situated. On one end of the building is Crisis Pregnancy Services, and on the other is Planned Parenthood. Well, while me bosses were out to lunch, I saw no fewer than 10 teenage boys go into Planned Parenthood. Well, what's the big deal with that, you may ask?

Yes, I know they have free condoms, no questions asked to young men and women alike. The problem is the attitude these "boys" had going in, shy, humble, almost embarrassed, which was very contrary to the attitude they had coming out. Upon coming out they were horseplaying and loud. Apparently, going into Planned Parenthood is some sort of right of passage. I wonder what their potential partners would think of this behavior, the young women being just another conquest, probably less important than actually obtaining the condoms.

Now, being 20-10, and having a certain amount of hindsight where my youth was squandered, at the top of my list would be trying to catch the eye of the opposite sex, and "being intimate with as many as I could". Note, the parentheses, this denotes the fact that, I didn't even fully understand the term intimacy until I was like...Okay, it wasn't all that long ago. Itimacy is not a get naked and sweaty thing, though, sometimes that's what it becomes. Intimacy is an emotional thing, a spiritual thing, not a physical thing until the first two requirements have been met.

Now, I'm stuffing my packets this afternoon, letting my thoughts wander thinking, about these kids armed with condoms. Well, goody for them. Condoms can save them from STDs 90% of the time, and unwanted pregnancy 90% of the time, but want about the emotional damage that is done. I know I would change the way I became sexually active, wait longer, chose better, etc...I know I can't be the only person that has had regrets, in fact there has been many books written on the consequences of young women engaging in sexual activity too early.

One such book I really enjoyed, Return to Modesty, which also delved into modesty was written by a young woman, who not even 30 years old. Anyhow, off my soapbox for now, I need to load the dishwasher, then pick my middle guy up from scouts.

Jet Fuel Only Is #1

Okay, so it was only for a few hours, but still.

I know that you really can't judge the amount of traffic your blog receives by votes on Top Blog Sites and comments alone, as sometimes redirection and pop-up windows don't work. However, it is nice to see people are reading what I'm writing, viewing the pics I'm posting, or otherwise generally lurking!


Friday, September 09, 2005


Sorry Folks, but blog was getting way to busy...and finally, I guess I zigged when I should have zagged, because things weren't posting right.

I hope the plainness of it all is more appealing than the train wreck that could have been.


Maybe, I'll put THE STICKER on a T-SHIRT

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hot News!

Michele, of Michele Sent Me fame, has added my little old blog to her Blogrolling list. AHHhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

I am sorry to get so emotional, but her blog gets tons of traffic and sends the masses back out into the blogging world to sample the blogs of others. Thank you Michele, it is...sniff, sniff...a tremendous honor!

Idle Hands

Here are the crotchet projects I have been working on while not painting.

First Day Redeux

Well, I had major camera malfunctions yesterday, which was the first day of school, so I took some pics today. I couldn't get the camera to keep a charge, but I popped the battery out, then back in and-Viola!

Today was technically Miss B's First Day anyhow, yesterday was only an orientation, mostly for "First Time Parents". She was excited to get to ride the bus today.

Paulie was happy to be a big brother on the bus to Miss B, and was overall excited to be back in school. His friend Michael is in his class again.

R was not so excited about school, seems he is becoming self aware, just as I knew he would and is having difficulty wrapping his brain around why he is so different. He said he had a headache today, and I almost let him stay home. I felt so much guilt, I yelled at Paulie instead for keeping poor R awake until 9:30 PM. And threatened to make him sleep in the garage until his room was finished, which of course, solved nothing.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I May Need More Tape...

Here are some pics of the work I've been doing in my son's room. I did all of this today. I would like to thank my friend Kurt B. for all the marvelous taping instruction he gave me. I used to tape off planes prior to painting at the airport. You can never use too much tape!

As you can see, starting at the door and surveying the room clockwise, I started to tape off the stripes on the bottom part of the wall. I did all the taping by myself and it came out pretty straight (way straighter than it appears in the pictures)

The "Naked Wall" will be the night sky wall, painted blue with a few constellations, so not so much tape there. (This wall will probably get a bit messy later in the game!)

The window is taped off to have a blue border around it, and the same treatment for the closet door, too. Yes, I know I have the other side of the closet to paint white yet, but honestly, I am getting sick of white. The first day of school was also a huge distraction, so maybe later this week.

Here is a detailed picture of my stripes, if you look hard (real hard, people), you will see there are three different widths of tape used in a pretty random manner. Unseen in the pictures is the writing in pencil on the wall labeling each strip of tape, also done in a fairly random manner.

I am getting so excited about using color in this project, I am thinking about turning a trick, or two, just so I can buy some blue or orange. Hint, hint...P the camera is warmed up and ready to go...LOL

Yesterday, for some reason my internet and phone were down. I don't know if a cable was loose on my end or theirs. I spent most of the day cleaning (really), and crotcheting. I put the Fun Fur trim on my poncho today, and after showing my girlfriend, she asked how much would you charge for that? I told her I made it for me. She thinks I should make some for her church bazaar.

I probably could knock out a few between now and then, except for being an internet whore. When the internet is down I can crotchet like lightening, but it only takes one Instant Message to derail me for the rest of the day. I need to learn discipline!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Why Judith, you are just as busy as a bee!

I have been busy crotcheting this poncho for Miss B. The stitches were "thinking stitches", not just the same over and over. Each row started and ended also, with out carrying, which was a pain to hide all the raw edges (not one of my strengths). She is happily modeling it, but I guess we will see the true test after it has been washed...LOL Here is just a close of view of the texture and colors.Here are two kerchiefs I made from the scraps. I have plenty more scraps, so I'll be pumping these babies out for holiday bazaars and Xmas gifts. I figure $5 is reasonable, any thoughts?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Round Two- Judith-2, Paint-1, Dog-0

I don't know how this happened. I mean, I understand the semantics of how one would get paint on themselves, but honestly...

She has it on the other side, too, like a mirror image. Too funny, idiot dog...

So, anyway, I have thrown second coats on three walls and the doors. It didn't occur to me until I was done with the doors, that they really didn't need another coat of white, because the doors are going to be orange and the trim is going to be blue. But, what the heck, I was having fun!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Round One- Judith-1, Paint-0

Here are some before and after shots of my home improvement projects.

So far, I have cleaned the walls, filled the holes and chips, and then, I sanded the filler. Finally, this afternoon threw on the first coat of paint.

It's kind of hard to see the difference in the pics, other than the doors, but believe me, it's a beautiful difference. What the TSP couldn't get off, the paint covered nicely. The walls went from an old off white to a bright white. It was really a pain gauging the coverage, but I managed.

I'm thinking tomorrow afternoon, I'll inspect to see what areas are obviously in need of special attention, then slap on another coat.

After I am through with the white, I will then be taping off a line about mid wall, where the border will be. From the border marker down I will then be taping off stripes. These stripes will be orange, green, and blue, maybe red. The upper area of the walls will stay pretty much stay white with some orange stenciled stars. The far wall (not pictured), the upper area will be painted blue and I will paint some constellations on it in the secondary colors.

The border I keep mentioning is a Jimmy Neutron in a rocket. I will also be placing shelves a foot down from the ceiling. The outside closet door, may or may not, be fitted with a cork board or a chalk board.

So, anyway, that is my plan. Right, now I have to make due with only the white, at least until next payday, which is mostly good, so I pace myself. BTW, payday was yesterday...LOL...
And...I guess, I didn't get out completely unscathed...