Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I May Need More Tape...

Here are some pics of the work I've been doing in my son's room. I did all of this today. I would like to thank my friend Kurt B. for all the marvelous taping instruction he gave me. I used to tape off planes prior to painting at the airport. You can never use too much tape!

As you can see, starting at the door and surveying the room clockwise, I started to tape off the stripes on the bottom part of the wall. I did all the taping by myself and it came out pretty straight (way straighter than it appears in the pictures)

The "Naked Wall" will be the night sky wall, painted blue with a few constellations, so not so much tape there. (This wall will probably get a bit messy later in the game!)

The window is taped off to have a blue border around it, and the same treatment for the closet door, too. Yes, I know I have the other side of the closet to paint white yet, but honestly, I am getting sick of white. The first day of school was also a huge distraction, so maybe later this week.

Here is a detailed picture of my stripes, if you look hard (real hard, people), you will see there are three different widths of tape used in a pretty random manner. Unseen in the pictures is the writing in pencil on the wall labeling each strip of tape, also done in a fairly random manner.

I am getting so excited about using color in this project, I am thinking about turning a trick, or two, just so I can buy some blue or orange. Hint, hint...P the camera is warmed up and ready to go...LOL

Yesterday, for some reason my internet and phone were down. I don't know if a cable was loose on my end or theirs. I spent most of the day cleaning (really), and crotcheting. I put the Fun Fur trim on my poncho today, and after showing my girlfriend, she asked how much would you charge for that? I told her I made it for me. She thinks I should make some for her church bazaar.

I probably could knock out a few between now and then, except for being an internet whore. When the internet is down I can crotchet like lightening, but it only takes one Instant Message to derail me for the rest of the day. I need to learn discipline!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK OK i'll stop IM'ing you :( sniff sniffle, i'll just find something else to do

1:16 PM  
Blogger josh williams said...

Next time you paint with latex, take a half cup of fabric softner and add to a gallon of water. Clean you brush in this solution. It takes about 10 seconds, really!

10:28 PM  

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