Round Four- Judith - 4, Paint - 1
So, last night I didn't get around to putting on that second coat of yellow, instead, I cut out two skirts, which now look like this:
Pictures are't showing up(??)
I am really mad though, because I could have sworn I had some zippers laying around, so after all that work, so one would be ready by Sunday, it's not happening.
Today, I got the kids on the bus and went to the doctor. Just a follow up to make sure I am following through with getting a shrink and taking my medication, you know everything a self respecting manic-depressive would do.
Anyhow, my hips have been bothering me, now mind you I am only 20 10, so i shouldn't be arthitis, though who knows. I was born with a displaced hip or something, so says my mom. It has only really caused me severe discomfort during pregnancy, and with intimate contortionist activity (if you get my drift). So, none of these apply, nor has my physical activity really changed, so I spoke with my doctor and she ordered x-rays. Let's just say, I wasn't nervous or upset, but now slightily nervous. So, my hips are outta wack, nothing threatening about that...I think my anxiety is just realizing the natural progression of age, and that although I do not rollerblade or iceskate as much as I would like, in all intent and purposes it will now be even less.
So, called in sick to the Greeter Service this afternoon, I really was wiped out from the doctor's office, picked upmy daughter at kindergarten, actually started a conversation with another mother, with a daughter (!!!), then proceeded home and tried to take a nap.
Well, I discovered earlier this morning that yesterday with all my shopping, Wally World for paint, and the commisary for groceries, and not checking my funds before hand, I had checks doing back hand springs. So, I was totally getting this nagging feeling, that P was not going to be happy, so I had better cover my ass and at least have something to show for my eager spending. I changed into my painting gear and got to work.
Anyway, another set of pictures is not wanting to show up, so I guess you are just going to have to believe me. I splashed the second coat of yellow on early this afternoon, and early in the evening about six hours later(after stitching together my skirts) and feeding my kids, I went ahead a painted the first coat of orange stripes. The closet door that I haven't painted white yet is turning out to be the bain of my existence, because I did all the orange tonight, except, well, for that freakin' door!
I figure tomorrow the second round of orange, paint the closet door white before I lose my mind, then in the afternoon throw some orange on the closet, then maybe try to get some green on. I am making som incredible progress, except, well, go figure, the stripes are kicking my butt. I would like to do stripes in my oldest son's room as well, but I will have to find an easier way to do it. Right now, there is just too many taping and re-taping sessions, very tedious, the most boring part of the whole job.
On a happy note, Paulie loves how his room is coming along and is very eager to get satrs on the walls!
And, lastly, I was very sad yesterday when I went to bed with no sign of a happy anniversary from P, not by phone or email or courier. However, after chasing the kids onto the bus, I saw a box of flowers leaning against the garage door. I can only imagine the dog was out in front last night when the delivery person came by. So, I was very happy this morning!
Sounds like a busy day. I am so glad that you got flowers. How sweet!
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