This is really not the best day to post anything negative about my children, because for the most part they've been almost maybe well-behaved today. However, if I don't write when it hits me I typically don't write and then the world misses out on a "Newtism"
*Newtism (noot or nyoot) noun 1.belief or theory of Newt ideas 2. the act or result of Newt ideas 3.the condition, behavior or qualities of Newts (Please see further explanation of Newt)
Newt-What my father has called me since forever.
Anyhow, I'm missing my family pretty bad this week, mostly because this weekend my parents (Dad and Stepmom) had what they call The Queen of the Full Moon Festival. Basically, friends and family and friends of friends and family, converge on my parents 113 acre farm in upstate New York. These are people you see once a year, or many driving down the Expressway in the other direction. It's basically bring your own beer and beef, now this is all speculation, as I have never been to a QFMF, but I've been told everybody brings stuff to share, and my parents lay out some sides.
People sleep in tents, under the stars, in cars, and barns sans animals. No one sleeps in the house, except maybe "Franklin", one of my Dad's oldest friends, and my personal favorite to discuss ISSUES with. Now, you're not supposed to show up until Friday afternoon (shoot for cocktail hour and brownie points with Dad if you bring him a beer) and leave Sunday afternoon, taking all your garbage with you. Well, apparently this year everyone arrived early, like Thursday early.
Well, it wasn't me, I was approximately 3,000 miles away in sunny Washington. I get invited to this thing every year, but it's like-gee thanks, gonna miss the fun again this year....
I digress, back to the topic at hand, what does interactive birth control have to do with my family? Everything actually.
When we lived in New York, we could count on my brother Danny and his girlfriend at the time to come out to see us once a month or so. They took my boys to the Staten Island Zoo, and the Children's Museum. I would drop the boys off and go food shopping, or me and my husband would see a movie. In fact, the day my daughter was born Dan and his girlfriend showed up, so they hung out at the house whilst the doctors told us it was only a bladder infection irritating your uterus, so go home. Now, his girlfriend, was totally sweet and had the boys make welcome home posters while we were gone for 3 hours (It is unwritten law to keep people off the street for 2-4 hours after checking into a hospital, no matter what the reason), but not being the sharpest tool in the shed commented on our walking in the door, completely baby-less- "That was quick.".
We lived about 3 hours from my parents farm, so we could visit on the weekends. My parents are sheep farmers, no not ranchers, do not correct me. Twenty sheep does not a rancher make. They tried to name there sheep, whom they raised for wool and mutton, after my children. How sick is that? (Anyway, I put and end to that and Ryan became Rye Bread.) Anyway, I sure no offense was meant by it...
My Dad would "allow" my dog to herd chickens, this was mostly when he wasn't around to holler at me and my "damn dog". My boys would also "herd" they chickens an they weren't yelled at, what a double standard.
My husband actually dropped me and my boys off the celebrate Y2K with my parents for two weeks. I was like 6 months pregnant. Oh, that was fun. Actually, it watched the FoxNews channel to our hearts content, played in the snow.
That same year we still had WA state tags on our car and I lent it to my step sister, Sica (See-ka). We had a busted tail light, which we didn't know about, and expired tags which we didn't particularly care about, because we didn't have the money to get New York Tags. Can you say DMV line in New York? Yeah, thought so... Anyway, she was pulled over and they found an unknown substance in a baggy in the back seat. Now, I need you to understand, some dude had just tried to sneak into the US from Canada to blow up LAX, and he did his sneaking through Washington. So, she was , she was detained, even though there's nothing I can think that she may have wanted to blow up in Upstate New York. Our farm was hours from anything even remotely important. And, curious thing about that unknown substance, I don't know what THEY ever decided it was, but it was really just cookie crumbs. Homemade chocolate chip, if I remember right.
Sica was not too pleased with me, nor was my father, who had been a Nassau County Police Officer for 27 years, his daughter driving around in a moving violation. I got a piece of everyone's mind the next morning. My father insisted we get new tags in we did. I even ended up getting a new license. My drivers license had a picture of me pregnant for like 2 years, I looked very bloated, I couldn't wait to get a new one!
Well, right now, with P gone I would like nothing more than to pack up my car and head upstate. It doesn't bother me that I missed the party this year. it bothers me that I have missed every party and everyone at the party for as long as they've been having the party.
Oh, and as for the interactive birth control, I rent my kids out weekdays and weekends starting at $1200/hour, individually or as a set. They will eat you out of house and home, mess up your car's leather seats, stink up your bathroom, run up your utilities bill (including Pay-Per-View, if you leave your remote lying around), and just make your life crazy in general.
Renter's are required to show proof of insurance and current CPR and First Aid.
I suggest at least 2 days back to back for any bachelor or married man whose girlfriend or wife is hinting about having a baby.
I suggest 2 or more children for any bachelor or married man whose girlfriend or wife is talking about having children. (Not for the squeamish!!)
This was the reason, of course, my brother allowed his flaky girlfriend within 100 miles of us, interactive birth control.