Friday Feast Prompts
Appetizer - What is the worst movie you've ever seen? Really, there have been so many...
Soup - Name something that reminds you of your childhood. Oi! Another question with infinite possiblities. How about, I talk to my parents once a week, which is more than sufficient to rip childhood scabs off!
Salad - If you had to live in a large city, which one would you want it to be? Seattle, I guess, only because, I really don't want to move again-EVER (We moved like 5 times the first 6 years of marriage). So, if I say Seattle, I could just like in a cardboard box like everyone in the summer. I could take the ferry home every couple weeks to take a shower. In the fall, I could migrate down to Southern California.
Main Course - What's a "big word" you like to use to impress people? I say "insert superlative here" when I want to curse in front of my kids
Dessert - Describe your hairstyle. Right now, bad perm, 'cause I just woke up, but it has potential
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