Thursday, March 24, 2005

Life's Laundry Prompt

What 3 things top your "To Do List" today?
  1. Write
  2. Put away laundry
  3. Clean up house

Which one will you be most likely to accomplish first, and why?

I will write, because that is what I do. I check out the memes, then let the questions/topics steep for a little while, then spew something of publishing quality later in the day.

In the past I have had a tiny bit of a following with my fiction posted on different sites, mainly Themestream (who folded and took my literary genius with it), and Xanga (which is still availble at and, or, I don't remember (all I know is I forgot my username and password, so anything there is gone-gone-gone)maybe I'll post some of my better stuff, because as with this blog, there is a considerable amount of rambling and whining.


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