Monday, March 21, 2005

How Many........
1. gadgets do you own? We have 2 computers, so we have two of every thing, except, only one scanner and one digital camera, but we also have a special keyboard for my visually impaired son.

2. on your living room walls? Zero, really, no kidding

3. ...magnets on your refrigerator? Alot, mostly letters

4. ...reference books in your bookshelves? A ton!! But I consider most books reference

5. ...boxes of cereal in your cupboards? Zero, but three bags on the top of the frigdge

6. ...lamps in your house? Three, mostly over head lighting

7. ...times a week do you shop for groceries? I try to do weekly shopping, but inevitably (sp?) I forget something

8. ...magazines do you subscribe to? Zero, but probably going to change that

9. programs do you watch on a regular basis? Two or three

10. ...items on your bathroom counter that don't really need to be there? All but four, toothbrush, tooth paste, hairbrush, and soap. Everything else I could live with out, although uncomfortably.


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