Friday, December 30, 2005


I am not one for making New Year's Revolutions, but for the past ten years or so I have been reading books and watching movies, afterwards thinking I could have written that. So...this year, I am going to write that. Now, if you read my blog, it is full of spelling errors, and grammatical errors, and probably all sorts of other errors that I will never realize, because I was never formally trained beyond English 102. So, hopefully, in the process of writing that I will have procured a great and patient editor.

So, cheers to us all, and good luck for a happy and healthy New Year,and keep your eyes peeled for that.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

What Did You Get For Christmas?

It is not everyday you get your own jet, even if it is made out of Legos! P thought this would be a pretty fun present! Last year he bought me my own airport, but the kids scattered it across the house before I got it together.

Hope everyone one had a happy holiday!