Tuesday, April 12, 2005

In Other Words Prompt


Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor.
-- Robert Frost

As I see it there are many truths that were highly regarded by my grandparents that are no longer respected by my generation.

The truth of family has been cast aside, in favor of teenage pregnancy and single mothers. This mistruth has bred civil unrest as babies are having babies and strangers are rasing our children. The women and young women of American demand their freedoms in the lives and bedrooms, but do not have the foresight to see how this impacts the next generation.

The truth of fidelity has been trampled on and divorce is not even something considered or comtemplated, it is done. Again, without thinking how the next generation will absorb the hurts and disappointments. Even a friendly divorce has victims when children are involved, because now these young people do not know how to have long-term relationships. Two generations ago divorce was nothing to be proud of.

The truth of faith has been swept under the rug in exchange for the bitter taste of secularism. The very fabric of the American way has been assaulted, and people are trying to rewrite American history with religious freedom blackened out. The most mundane of religious paraphenalia in the public arena has been slighted for removal. These this are historical plaques, county seals, and The Ten Commandments, that have been ignored until now. What is so different now?

Truth has been made lie and the lies are now the accepted truth.

This article has been brought to you by a disillusioned, former feminist, read it and weep.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Life's Laundry prompt


Think back to an influential teacher in high school. Eleanor Johnson

Why were they the most influential in your life? She was my 7th grade teacher and saw some sort of potential in me and encouraged (bugged me) to submit my stuff to the school's annual magazine every year. I finally did when I was a senior, and was the only person with multiple entries. She died of breast cancer shortly after I graduated and joined the Navy. It happened that I was on leave, so I was able to make it to her funeral. She was a wonderful patient teacher.

What habits or ideas in your present life do you link or credit to them? She let me know I could do it, I haven't yet, but I try everyday.

Life's Laundry prompt


Think back to an influential teacher in high school. Eleanor Johnson

Why were they the most influential in your life? She was my 7th grade teacher and saw some sort of potential in me and encouraged (bugged me) to submit my stuff to the school's annual magazine every year. I finally did when I was a senior, and was the only person with multiple entries. She died of breast cancer shortly after I graduated and joined the Navy. It happened that I was on leave, so I was able to make it to her funeral. She was a wonderful patient teacher.

What habits or ideas in your present life do you link or credit to them? She let me know I could do it, I haven't yet, but I try everyday.